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Typhoon Hinnamnor batters Korea's southern regions

時間:2023-01-30 來源: http://hcqlnh.com/ 作者:開云體育app官方網站我要評論(0)

A building structure sits atop vehicles parked at a residential zone in Pohang's Nam District, Tuesday, after Typhoon Hinnamnor pounded the port city in North Gyeongsang Province with wind and rain. Yonhap
A building structure sits atop vehicles parked at a residential zone in Pohang's Nam District, Tuesday, after Typhoon Hinnamnor pounded the port city in North Gyeongsang Province with wind and rain. Yonhap

Super typhoon cuts electricity, floods streets, leaving 3 dead, 6 missing

By Ko Dong-hwan

Typhoon Hinnamnor veered away from the Korean Peninsula on Tuesday morning, after slamming the country's southern regions, leaving three people dead and six missing as of 10 p.m.

Pohang in North Gyeongsang Province sustained the most damage in the country. The southeastern port city saw more than 400 millimeters of heavy rain overnight. The typhoon pounded the city with wind and rain, trapping residents indoors during the critical hours.

The city's Nam District recorded more than 100 millimeters of hourly precipitation. It destroyed a weir at a local river in the district, flooding nearby agricultural fields. The country's 1st Marine Division stationed in the city even dispatched two amphibious assault vehicles and three inflatable boats to flooded parts of the city for use by local emergency workers for search and rescue work.

Despite the rescue efforts, three deaths have been reported in Pohang, while five more people remain missing. Seven residents of an apartment building went to a basement-level parking garage on Tuesday morning attempting to save their vehicles from the rising water. However, two of them were rescued later on Tuesday night, according to fire authorities. The city's emergency rescue department said they had to wait for the garage, completely flooded as of Tuesday morning, to drain out before they could start searching for the missing people. Another woman in her 60s, a resident of another apartment building, also went missing on Tuesday morning after entering an underground garage. She was found dead later that day.

Another death was confirmed on Tuesday morning in the city. A Pohang resident, 75, was found dead about an hour after she went missing.

A building structure sits atop vehicles parked at a residential zone in Pohang's Nam District, Tuesday, after Typhoon Hinnamnor pounded the port city in North Gyeongsang Province with wind and rain. Yonhap
An amphibious assault vehicle approaches a submerged vehicle in Pohang, Tuesday, while conducting search and rescue operations to help any people trapped by the floodwaters. Courtesy of Republic of Korea Marine Corps

Compared to the previous typhoons that have hit the country, Hinnamnor was the third-most-powerful. It follows Sarah from 1959 which recorded 951.5 hectopascals (hPa) when it made landfall in the country and Maemi from 2003 with 954 hPa. Hinnamnor recorded 955.9 when it arrived on Geoje Island, South Gyeongsang Province. The lower the pressure, the stronger the typhoon's intensity.

As Hinnamnor made landfall on Geoje Island in South Gyeongsang Province at 4:50 a.m., reports of people being isolated by floodwaters and damage to public infrastructure and private property continued throughout the morning outside Pohang as well. In Ulsan, a man, 25, went missing after falling in an overflowing local river at around 1 a.m. Cars on roads in Gyeongju, North Gyeongsang Province, were completely submerged by floodwaters, isolating people inside. A woman in her 80s was found dead in Gyeongju on Tuesday morning, buried under a heap of earth in a residential area.

Typhoon slams southern Korea [PHOTOS]

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