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[INTERVIEW] 'Taiwan is part of China,' says Chinese ambassador

時間:2023-01-29    作者:開云體育app官方網站

Chinese ambassador to Korea Xing Haiming speaks during an interview with The Korea Times and its sister paper, Hankook Ilbo, on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of diplomatic ties between Korea and China, at the Chinese Embassy in Myeong-dong, central Seoul, Aug. 2. Korea Times photo by Wang Tae-suk
Chinese ambassador to Korea Xing Haiming speaks during an interview with The Korea Times and its sister paper, Hankook Ilbo, on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of diplomatic ties between Korea and China, at the Chinese Embassy in Myeong-dong, central Seoul, Aug. 2. Korea Times photo by Wang Tae-suk

Ambassador Xing Haiming criticizes Chip 4, calls for including China in US-led semiconductor alliance

By Kwon Mee-yoo

South Korea and China established diplomatic relations on Aug. 24, 1992, which was a historic turning point in their bilateral relations. Thirty years have passed since the establishment of diplomatic relations and China now has become South Korea's No. 1 trade partner. China's relations with North Korea have also put the former's relations with the South to the test.

Chinese Ambassador to Korea Xing Haiming, who was part of the working-level negotiations when the two countries established diplomatic relations three decades ago, said the two countries agreed to forge those relations to put an end to the Cold War era, contribute to regional and world peace, and to benefit the people of both countries.

"One of the most memorable negotiations was the Taiwan issue. [South] Korea agreed to recognize the People's Republic of China as the only legitimate government of China and Taiwan is part of China," Xing noted during an interview with The Korea Times and its sister newspaper, Hankook Ilbo, on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of diplomatic ties between Korea and China at the Chinese Embassy in Myeong-dong, central Seoul.

The interview was held on Aug. 2, the day when U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi arrived on the self-governed island of Taiwan.

Ambassador Xing said China expressed worries over Pelosi's visit to Taiwan multiple times, as her visit could send the wrong signal to the pro-independence camp on the island.

"Pelosi is the third-highest-ranking official in the U.S. government and her visit to Taiwan would harm China-U.S. ties as it is part of the U.S.' attempt to subdue China using Taiwan," Xing said.

"The U.S. agreed upon the One China Policy and only has an unofficial relationship with Taiwan. Pelosi's visit might mar the agreement between China and the U.S. and we will take resolute measures against the attempts to infringe on the One China Policy," he said.

Xing emphasized that the One China Policy is included in the statement of South Korea-China ties and he expects the South Korean government to support the original resolution on bilateral relations.

"I hope for Korea to understand and support China's concerns regarding the One China Policy and to develop bilateral ties in a future-oriented way based on what we began with," he said.

He reiterated the One China policy multiple times during the interview, as it took place amid the heightened military tensions between the United States and China over Pelosi's Taiwan visit. The two countries launched major military shows of force during her Asia trip. After Taiwan, Pelosi visited South Korea and then Japan. The U.S. House Speaker met National Assembly Speaker Kim Jin-pyo and had a 40-minute phone conversation with President Yoon Suk-yeol, who was on summer vacation at that time.

Chinese ambassador to Korea Xing Haiming speaks during an interview with The Korea Times and its sister paper, Hankook Ilbo, on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of diplomatic ties between Korea and China, at the Chinese Embassy in Myeong-dong, central Seoul, Aug. 2. Korea Times photo by Wang Tae-suk

'Chip 5,' instead of 'Chip 4'

South Korea's relations with China have been put to the test as Seoul has been increasingly asked to take the side of either the United States or China.

The U.S. has invited South Korea to join its semiconductor alliance, the "Chip 4," also including Japan and Taiwan, to build a cooperative platform for the chip supply chain. But South Korea has not yet responded to the invitation.

Envoy wary of creating Asian version of NATO