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Korea begins COVID

2023-02-02 16:54:14出處:開云體育手機app下載

Quarantine officials in blue gowns guide travelers arriving from China to undergo a PCR test at Incheon International Airport, west of Seoul, Jan. 2. Yonhap
Quarantine officials in blue gowns guide travelers arriving from China to undergo a PCR test at Incheon International Airport, west of Seoul, Jan. 2. Yonhap

Korea started requiring COVID-19 testing for arrivals from China on Monday, with such measures causing confusion and inconvenience at Incheon International Airport, the gateway to Korea, throughout the day.

Under the new restrictions that were announced only three days ago, all arrivals from China are obliged to undergo a PCR test within the first day of their entry.

They must also remain in separate facilities here until their test results are confirmed, while Korean nationals and foreigners with residency status returning here from visiting China have to quarantine at their residence after a PCR test.

Beginning Monday morning, Incheon airport authorities handed out red name tags to all short-term visitors from China to identify them from travelers from other countries.

Soldiers wearing blue protective clothing then escorted them to the PCR testing center located at Terminal 1. As there was no separated route for them, some travelers arriving from Singapore were mistakenly given the red name tags after standing in wrong lines.

Foreigners who underwent the PCR test were asked to stay in a waiting room on the first floor of the nearby Transportation Center until their test results came out. The center where benches and simple refreshments are prepared can accommodate about 300 people at the same time.

Government authorities, including Prime Minister Han Duck-soo and Korea Disease Control and Prevention Agency Commissioner Jee Young-mee, conducted an on-site inspection of how the new measure was being carried out.

Quarantine officials in blue gowns guide travelers arriving from China to undergo a PCR test at Incheon International Airport, west of Seoul, Jan. 2. Yonhap
Prime Minister Han Duck-soo inspects a COVID-19 testing station at Incheon International Airport, west of Seoul, Jan. 2. Yonhap

The officials visited areas designated for travelers taking PCR tests and waiting for the results and inspected anti-virus measures at the scene, according to Han's office.

A Chinese national who was waiting for her friend arriving from China complained that it is frustrating to have to wait at the airport for more than six hours on Monday. She also said her friend was significantly inconvenienced by the suspended issuance of short-term visas for Chinese nationals.

A Beijing-based Korean employee of a Korean company who landed at Incheon airport Monday morning voiced dissatisfaction at the sudden quarantine policy change, saying his business trip schedule in Seoul has been messed up, as he has to quarantine after a PCR test.

"The tougher restrictions may be necessary due to serious COVID-19 situations in China, but it is regrettable that the (Korean) government has not given prior notice sufficiently in advance," the employee said. (Yonhap)


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