
A conservative activist waves a flag in front of former President Moon Jae-in's residence in Yangsan, South Gyeongsang Province, in this May 14 file photo. Newsis
A conservative activist waves a flag in front of former President Moon Jae-in's residence in Yangsan, South Gyeongsang Province, in this May 14 file photo. Newsis

By Nam Hyun-woo

A staff member of the presidential office resigned on Wednesday, a day after she was revealed to be the sister of Ahn Jeong-kwon, a right-wing YouTuber who has been at the center of controversy for continuing noisy rallies in front of former President Moon Jae-in's residence in Yangsan, South Gyeongsang Province.

According to the office, the staff member, who has been identified only by her surname Ahn, offered her resignation after the controversy involving her brother continued.

She had reportedly been working for President Yoon Suk-yeol since his election campaign, editing videos for Yoon's YouTube page. After Yoon took office, she was known to have worked at the office of the senior secretary for public relations, assisting Yoon's photographers.

An official at the office said she resigned as she "felt pressure due to news reports over the controversies," but refused to disclose any further details on her employment process or previous work history.

A conservative activist waves a flag in front of former President Moon Jae-in's residence in Yangsan, South Gyeongsang Province, in this May 14 file photo. Newsis
Screenshot of Vellado's website
Her resignation came a day after news outlets reported that her brother is a far-right streamer who caused controversies with his threatening remarks during rallies in front of Moon's residence.

The brother made himself known among right-wing subscribers with his YouTube channel, titled GZSS, uploading far-right videos. The channel was shut down in 2020 after reports that some of his fans used violence against other streamers who criticized Ahn.

Since then, Ahn has been running his own video streaming platform company called Vellado, and his sister also worked for the company before joining Yoon's camp.

When the sister's employment in the presidential office was made public on Tuesday, the office said "there is no problem in Ahn's employment process," adding "questioning her employment by associating her with her brother's activities is equivalent to collective punishment."

After Moon left office in May, protesters and streamers, including members of Vellado, have been making a lot of noise in front of the former president's home, accusing him of mishandling state affairs and using coarse language. Moon's aides have sued some of those protesters, while his daughter is denouncing the protesters as only causing trouble to get more donations for their streaming activities.

Following a June 5 court ruling upholding a police ban on rallies in front of Moon's residence, Vellado has halted its rallies.

Regarding the conservative streamers holding rallies in front of Moon's residence, President Yoon said on June 7 that "with rallies around the presidential office being allowed, everything will go as stated in the law."

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更新時間 2023.01.30 
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