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Deputy NIS director resigns for personal reasons

時間:2023-01-31 來源: http://hcqlnh.com/ 作者:開云體育app官方網站我要評論(0)

Jo Sang-jun, deputy director of the National Intelligence Service / Yonhap
Jo Sang-jun, deputy director of the National Intelligence Service / Yonhap

Jo Sang-jun, a deputy director of the National Intelligence Service (NIS) who is considered a confidant of President Yoon Suk-yeol, has resigned for personal reasons, officials said Wednesday, prompting questions as to why he quit only months after taking office.

Jo tendered his resignation with the presidential secretary in charge on Tuesday and Yoon accepted the offer the same day, according to his office.

The quick succession of events, including the fact that Jo reported first to the presidential office and not to NIS Director Kim Kyou-hyun, led to reports that Jo had clashed with Kim over personnel issues or had health problems.

Questions also arose over why he resigned a day before he was due to attend a parliamentary audit of his agency.

"He expressed his intention to resign for personal reasons and it was accepted," a presidential official told reporters. "Because it was a personal reason, we will not disclose further."

A former senior prosecutor, Jo is known as one of Yoon's close aides, along with Justice Minister Han Dong-hoon.

He was appointed to the NIS post in June.

Rumors also swirled that Jo may have been caught drunk driving or involved in an irregularity.

"I think it's very inappropriate to answer based on rumors," the presidential official said when asked if he could confirm. (Yonhap)

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