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Seoul International School celebrates 50th anniversary

更新時間:2023-02-01 06:37:34  瀏覽次數:6次

Students play at Seoul International School in Bokjeong Dong, Seongnam, Gyeonggi Province / Courtesy of Seoul International School
Students play at Seoul International School in Bokjeong Dong, Seongnam, Gyeonggi Province / Courtesy of Seoul International School

By Lee Hyo-jin

Seoul International School (SIS), one of the oldest international schools in Korea, is celebrating 50 years of its establishment this year.

The educational institution in Seongnam, Gyeonggi Province, was founded in 1973 by Edward Ben Adams, who envisioned creating an international school independent of political and religious affiliations.

Thanks to Adams' dedication and passion for education and the people of Korea, SIS was able to become one of the first international schools in the nation. It received the first-ever letter of authorization from the Korean government for the establishment of a foreign school on June 5, 1973. The school opened its doors later that year, becoming the first foreign school to be recognized by the Ministry of Education after Korea was liberated from Japanese colonial rule in 1945.

With the strong support of Yoo Il-yoon, then-chairman of Konkuk University, the school first opened its doors from a small building on the university campus.

Students play at Seoul International School in Bokjeong Dong, Seongnam, Gyeonggi Province / Courtesy of Seoul International School
Students play at the Seoul International School campus in the 1970s. Courtesy of Seoul International School

The school has since grown in importance and prestige within the international school community. It has expanded, providing excellent opportunities in education for the ever-evolving expatriate community of Seoul and its surrounding cities. The SIS is now a leading international school in Korea and across Asia.

Through the past five decades, the educational philosophy and dedication of SIS have made it a major player in the international community in Korea.

The school received the first Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC) accreditation in 1976. Quickly the community grew, finding a new home on the current campus located in Seongnam City, Gyeonggi Province in 1985.

This year, as the school marks its 50th Anniversary since its establishment, the SIS will be met with its 46th graduating class. They will join almost 3,000 alumni who are contributing to their communities from all over the world.

"Reflecting on the 50th Anniversary of SIS, we are proud to be one of the leading global educational institutions in Korea. Our long history with Korea began when our founder, Mr. Adams' ancestors first arrived in 1894 as part of the American missionary work. Several generations later, the secular international school that is SIS continues with our TIGERS values philosophy," the school said in a statement.

According to the school, TIGERS values are Trustworthy Individuals, Independent Learners, Global Citizens, Effective Communicators, Reflective Learners, and Socially Responsible Individuals.

"Our school's reputation of academic excellence will lead us into the next 50 years and help us continue to provide a 21st-century global education for our students. Our alumni contribution to Korea and the world community will be our true legacy," it added.

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