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Constitutional reform in Uzbekistan is historic event for the people

時間:2023-01-26 來源: http://hcqlnh.com/ 作者:開云體育app官方網站我要評論(0)

                                                                                                 Sodiq Safoev, the first deputy chairman of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis of Uzbekistan / Courtesy of the Embassy of Uzbekistan in Korea
Sodiq Safoev, the first deputy chairman of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis of Uzbekistan / Courtesy of the Embassy of Uzbekistan in Korea

By Sodiq Safoev

These days, an important political process is underway in Uzbekistan: the process of making changes and additions to the current Constitution.

The constitutional reform being implemented in the Republic of Uzbekistan is a historic event in the life of our state. Its main goal is the consistent continuation and deepening of democratic reforms that have found their extensive support in society.

The presidential elections held in October 2021 clearly demonstrated that during 2016-2021 a drastic transformation took place in the country, forming a new Uzbekistan.

Society has changed irreversibly. The political activity of the population, the role of civil society, and the influence of the media have increased. Public administration has become more transparent and truly accountable to the people. The state of affairs with regards to human rights has been radically transformed. Forced and child labor have been eradicated.

The most important priority is to strengthen interethnic harmony and interfaith tolerance.

The government's priority is gender policy. Uzbekistan is firmly committed to promoting reforms that are fully in line with the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

An uncompromising fight against corruption is being waged.

The economic vector of reforms is aimed at improving the investment climate, liberalization and supporting entrepreneurship. Despite external shocks, Uzbekistan's economy has grown by 24 percent over the years of reforms. The sectoral structure of the economy has improved significantly ― the share of industry has grown by almost 10 percent and reached about a third of the GDP. With improvement of the investment climate, foreign investment has tripled. In 2016, Uzbekistan attracted $1.6 billion of foreign direct investment, and in 2019, $4.2 billion.

Despite the difficulties during the pandemic, small businesses are showing impressive growth rates. In five years, the number of entrepreneurs has almost tripled and currently stands at 1.5 million people, whose enterprises employ about 5 million people.

All these created conditions for further economic growth. It is expected that GDP per capita will increase by 1.6 times over the next five years, and per capita income will reach up to $4,000 by 2030.

It is envisaged to accelerate the process of joining the WTO and to establish free trade zones in border areas with neighboring states. Over the next five years, $120 billion will be attracted to the economy, including at least $70 billion of foreign investment.

Thus, we can say with confidence that despite the difficulties and external shocks, in general, the first stage of the process of political and economic modernization, associated with the implementation of the basic tasks of transformation, has been successfully completed. The next stage of reforms will undoubtedly involve the implementation of more complex, fundamental steps. Now it is necessary to resolve a number of systemic issues, without which there are serious threats that the ongoing reforms will stagnate.

Therefore, constitutional reform is important, which should create a legal basis for the further democratization of the country and the acceleration of economic reforms. The current Constitution, adopted in 1992, during the first years following independence and carrying many ideological imperatives of the previous eras, needs to be updated in accordance with the modern vision of the development of society.

Based on this, the two largest parliamentary factions ― the Liberal Democratic and National Revival parties ― initiated constitutional reforms. The parliament created a constitutional commission consisting of 47 people from among the members of parliament, senators, representatives of civil society, leading lawyers and political scientists.

According to the current legislation, amendments to the Constitution of the republic could also be carried out through the parliament of the country. However, the president of the country, Shavkat Mirziyoyev, having made a strong-willed and far-sighted decision, insisted on a national referendum, which will allow all the people of Uzbekistan to express their opinions on the constitutional reform through participation in a widespread discussion.

It should be noted that from the beginning, the population has taken an active part in the discussion of the principles and directions of constitutional reforms. The constitutional commission has already received over 60,000 proposals from citizens for the reforms.

According to experts and the population, the new version of the Constitution should firmly enshrine the fundamental principles of the life of Uzbek society, its secular and democratic character.

I would like to highlight some of the constitutional reform initiatives proposed by the head of state:
― the complete abolition of the death penalty;
― the consolidation of such institutional and legal concepts as the "Miranda Warning" and the principles of "Habeas Corpus," according to which, during detention, a person is advised on his rights and obligations "in an accessible and comprehendible language;"
― the cancellation of the constitutional provision that restricts the rights of the relatives of the person with criminal record and legal consequences arising from it, including during employment;
― strengthening the constitutional foundations for the humane treatment of persons deprived of their liberty;
― the consolidation of the constitutional norm on the immunity of private life and its guarantees from the state;
― the consolidation of the constitutional right of every citizen to free and unhindered movement in the territory of the republic, as well as everything related to the issue of choosing a place of residence and unhindered entry and exit;
― strengthening state support for entrepreneurship in order to develop economic and business activity.

An important issue is the enhancement of the administrative management system, the redistribution of functions between the various branches of government. It is crucial to increase further the role and influence of parliament in society, including at the local level. One of the most important proposals is to separate the branches of government at the local level.

The constitution should also create a solid legal basis for the decentralization of the public administration system, increasing the independence of the regions, including in stimulating domestic and foreign investment.

From an economic perspective, the task of the new Constitution is to secure guarantees for the protection of private property rights, to create legal conditions for agrarian reform.

One of the determining factors in the emergence of a new Uzbekistan has been its openness to the world. Over the past years of reforms, significant work has been done to form and implement a renewed foreign policy for the country.

At the same time, the situation in our region and around the world is rapidly changing, requiring the adequate improvement in our foreign policy.

First, it is important to strengthen the existing positive trends in the region, strengthen mutual trust in Central Asia and ensure the continuous development of cooperation. The main task in this area is to turn the region into a zone of stability, sustainable development, good neighborliness and mutually beneficial cooperation.

Secondly, ecology should become a main priority of diplomacy. Its essence lies in the promotion of international initiatives and in the implementation of multilateral programs for the protection of the environment and the solution of escalating global and regional environmental problems.

Sodiq Safoev is the first deputy chairman of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

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