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NK leader's appearances reflect focus on economy

時間:2023-01-24 來源: http://hcqlnh.com/ 作者:開云體育app官方網站我要評論(0)

North Korean leader Kim Jong-un inspects fisheries in the Donghae area in the North in this file photo. / Yonhap
North Korean leader Kim Jong-un inspects fisheries in the Donghae area in the North in this file photo. / Yonhap

By Kim Bo-eun

North Korean leader Kim Jong-un made 98 public appearances last year, being seen significantly more at economy-related events, according to data from the unification ministry, Friday.

Among his 98 appearances, 41 were at economy-related events. These were concentrated in July and August, when the leader conducted a series of inspections of sites across the country. He visited the Wonsan-Kalma tourist zone, farms and various factories.

This is a notable increase from 2017, when he was seen over 26 occasions at economy-related events, out of a total of 94 appearances.

The on-site inspections are seen as part of efforts to build North Korea's economy, which the North Korean leader stated as the country's top priority, at a plenary session of the ruling Workers' Party's Central Committee in April.

Kim's plan to focus on the economy is set to continue this year. The leader devoted much of his New Year address in stressing the need for economic development, calling for increased electricity production, improvement of transportation facilities and development of tourism districts. He also said North Korea is willing to resume the operation of the inter-Korean Gaesong Industrial Complex and tours to Mount Geumgang "without preconditions."

The North Korean leader also made his international debut last year, holding numerous summits with foreign heads of state.

He met three times with President Moon Jae-in, and twice with Chinese President Xi Jinping. Kim also held a historic summit with U.S. President Donald Trump.

Meanwhile, military-related appearances dropped from 42 occasions in 2017 to eight this year.

This reflects the reconciliatory mood between the North and South, and the U.S. that developed last year, as the heads of state met and pledged to take steps to promote peace.

This is in contrast to 2017, when Pyongyang made multiple missile and nuclear provocations, prompting fears of war.

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