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Chip 4, '3 Nos' complicate Korea

時間:2023-01-31  ;  作者:開云體育app官方網站


Pelosi visit another ticking bomb for bilateral relations

By Kang Seung-woo

Korea is at a critical juncture over its ties with China as it faces increasing pressure to choose a side amid the intensifying Sino-U.S. rivalry, with any decision potentially causing further uncertainties in bilateral relations.

Currently, Korea has been asked to respond to the U.S. invitation by the end of August to participate in the envisaged strategic alliance of four global chip powerhouses that also includes Japan and Taiwan, also known as the Chip 4 or Fab 4, a platform apparently aimed at countering China's growing influence in global supply chains.

In addition, Beijing has urged Seoul to stick to the previous Korean government's commitment to the "Three Nos" policy on the U.S. Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) deployment, which called for no additional THAAD deployment, no Korean integration into a U.S.-led regional missile defense system and no trilateral alliance with the United States and Japan.

Foreign Minster Park Jin admitted during the first interpellation session of the Yoon Suk-yeol administration at the National Assembly, Monday, that the U.S. had proposed a preliminary conference on the chip alliance.

"We have yet to make a decision on whether to participate in the platform," he said during a session at the National Assembly in Seoul.

"We will consider the issue comprehensively based on national interests."

Chung Jae-hung, a research fellow at the Sejong Institute, said there were thorny issues between Korea and China that may greatly affect their bilateral relations.

"Amid the competition between the U.S. and China, if Korea decides to participate in the Chip 4 alliance, believed (by the Chinese Communist Party to be) an anti-China platform, it may heavily yet negatively affect its ties with China," Chung said.

Kim Han-kwon, a professor at the Korea National Diplomatic Academy, also said there were "increasing challenges to Korea-China relations" as the new Korean administration is seeking to strengthen its alliance with the U.S. amid the hegemonic competition between Washington and Beijing.

The U.S. proposal regarding the semiconductor alliance comes as the chip sector has emerged as a key sector of bilateral cooperation between Korea and the U.S., as highlighted by U.S. President Joe Biden's visit to a Samsung Electronics chip plant which was the first stop on his trip to Korea in May.

"In that respect, uncertainties in Korea-China ties are looming large," Chung said.

As for the Chinese calls regarding the THAAD deployment in Korea, it is also a volatile matter between the neighboring countries.

Last week, the Chinese foreign ministry took issue with THAAD ― a U.S. anti-missile shield. In 2016, Korea and the U.S. decided to deploy the missile defense system on the Korean Peninsula, but China, claiming that the system's radar can be used to spy on Chinese military maneuvers in surrounding airspace and hurts its security interests, insists that the new Korean government continue the Moon Jae-in administration's stance on the issue.

"We still remember vividly that in 2017, the ROK side made a solemn statement on the THAAD issue," China's foreign ministry spokesperson Zhao Lijian said. The ROK stands for the Republic of Korea, South Korea's official name.

"It played a crucial role in boosting mutual trust and deepening cooperation between the two countries. A commitment made should be a commitment kept despite change of government. When it comes to major sensitive issues concerning the security of its neighbors, the ROK side needs to continue to act prudently and find a fundamental solution to the issues."

However, the Yoon Suk-yeol administration's stance on China's claim is that the Three Nos is just a measure that the Moon Jae-in administration had pursued at the time, not an official policy.

"The Three Nos are not something we had promised to China. As far as I know, the government at the time had only explained it as its position toward China," Park said.

"The Three Nos policy is directly related to our sovereignty, and it should be us making decisions on our own security. It would be hard to accept if China tells us to continue the Three Nos."

In addition, Korean Ambassador to China Chung Jae-ho reiterated the Yoon administration's stance on its ties with China during his appointment ceremony, Monday, that mutual respect is the key principle in their diplomatic relations.

Ever since Korea approved the THAAD deployment, China has been carrying out an economic retaliation campaign by imposing unofficial boycotts on Korean products and enforcing tourism restrictions.

U.S. House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi, left, shakes hands with Malaysia's Parliamentary Speaker Azhar Azizan Harun during their meeting at the Malaysian Houses of Parliament in Kuala Lumpur, Tuesday. Reuters-Yonhap

Diplomatic observers believe that there is a likelihood of further retaliation from China if the Korean government rejects its call for upholding the Three Nos policy.

"It is hard to predict how China could take retaliatory action against Korea, but Beijing is likely considering how to respond to the Korean government's decision," Chung said.

U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is scheduled to visit Korea later this week and her trip is also something that may impact Korea's ties with China.

"Given that China is responding strongly to Pelosi's envisaged trip to Taiwan, if she takes issue with China's human rights violations and matters linked to Taiwan and urges Korea to express its position on issues against China, it would also affect Korea-China relations," Chung said.