
This image shows the front cover of a photo album titled 'For Strengthening the National Defense Capability' released by the North's Foreign Languages Publishing House, Tuesday. / Yonhap
This image shows the front cover of a photo album titled "For Strengthening the National Defense Capability" released by the North's Foreign Languages Publishing House, Tuesday. / Yonhap

North Korea on Tuesday published a picture album showing off an intercontinental ballistic missile and other weapons, amid its unusually long silence on the U.S. election results.

The 120-page album, titled "For Strengthening the National Defence Capability" published by Foreign Languages Publishing House, features the history of missile and weapons development since leader Kim Jong-un took power in 2011.

The album includes photos from his tactical training of marines in 2012 to the North's latest military parade marking the 75th founding anniversary of its ruling Workers' Party last month.

The album also shows photos of the first test-launch of its newest submarine-launched ballistic missile (SLBM), the Pukguksong-3, in October 2019 and the test-firing of the Hwasong-15 intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) in November 2017.

It also featured photos of its new SLBM labeled "Pukguksong-4?" and its new ICBM unveiled at the military parade last month.

The album said that strengthening the North's weapons was part of its efforts to keep its autonomy amid protracted sanctions.

The release of the album came as the North has stayed mum for more than two weeks on Joe Biden's election as U.S. president.

It is rare for the North to continue its silence for such a long period. Pyongyang has mentioned or issued a statement within a few days of previous U.S. presidential elections. (Yonhap)

軟件大小1.00 MB
更新時間  2023.01.21 
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