
This photo captured from Facebook shows a protester being arrested by police on charges of threatening an aide to former President Moon Jae-in in front of Moon's home in Yangsan, 309 kilometers southeast of Seoul, Aug. 16. Yonhap
This photo captured from Facebook shows a protester being arrested by police on charges of threatening an aide to former President Moon Jae-in in front of Moon's home in Yangsan, 309 kilometers southeast of Seoul, Aug. 16. Yonhap

Rallies around the home of former President Moon Jae-in will be banned starting Monday as the Presidential Security Service expanded the guard zone for the former president amid persistent noisy and menacing protests.

The decision to ban rallies within 300 meters from Moon's home in Yangsan, about 310 kilometers southeast of Seoul, came after President Yoon Suk-yeol ordered the secret service to consider strengthening security for his predecessor following a suggestion from National Assembly Speaker Kim Jin-pyo.

Since Moon left office in May after a five-year term, his home has been plagued day and night by raucous loudspeaker demonstrations by right-wing protesters and YouTubers opposed to the way he ran the country.

Last week, one protester was arrested after making threats with a box cutter in front of Moon's home.

"We expanded and redesignated the guard zone around former President Moon's private residence," the security service said. "This measure was taken in consideration of a need to strengthen security for the former president as even fake guns and box cutters appeared in demonstrations and rallies."

The service also plans to beef up inspection of visitors and traffic control in the area.

Yoon's decision to strengthen security for Moon could be seen as a measure to promote national unity amid low approval ratings. Earlier this year, he came under fire for making remarks to the effect that rallies around Moon's home should be tolerated as protests around the current presidential office were also allowed. (Yonhap)

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更新時間  2023.01.18
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