
Lee Jae-yong, right, vice chairman of Samsung Electronics, poses with ASML CEO Peter Wennink at the Dutch company's headquarters in Eindhoven, the Netherlands, Tuesday (local time). Courtesy of Samsung Electronics
Lee Jae-yong, right, vice chairman of Samsung Electronics, poses with ASML CEO Peter Wennink at the Dutch company's headquarters in Eindhoven, the Netherlands, Tuesday (local time). Courtesy of Samsung Electronics

By Baek Byung-yeul

Samsung Electronics is strengthening a partnership with ASML as its Vice Chairman Lee Jae-yong met the head of the Dutch semiconductor equipment maker during his business trip to Europe, according to Samsung, Wednesday.

The Korean tech giant said its vice chairman visited ASML's headquarters in Eindhoven in the Netherlands and had a meeting with the Dutch company's top executives including CEO Peter Wennink and CTO Martin van den Brink to discuss cooperation measures.

ASML, a chip equipment maker, is the only company in the world that can produce extreme ultraviolet lithography (EUV) equipment, an essential tool for manufacturing ultra-fine chips smaller than 7 nanometers.

"Vice Chairman and ASML executives discussed future semiconductor technology trends, semiconductor market outlook, EUV equipment, which is essential for manufacturing ultra-fine chips, and mid- to long-term business strategies," a Samsung spokesman said.

It is the first time in 20 months that Lee visited ASML's headquarters since October 2020. Lee was accompanied by Kyung Kye-hyun, CEO of Samsung's Device Solutions division.

Samsung said the meeting is part of further strengthening its competitiveness to become the leader of the foundry business that the company is aiming for.

"By expanding research activities and investment in semiconductor and strengthening cooperation with ASML, Samsung aims to increase competitiveness in foundry business and further widen its super gap in memory semiconductor," the official added.

A day after the meeting with ASML executives, Lee also visited Imec, Europe's largest chip research institute, in Leuven, Belgium, Wednesday.

During his visit, Lee met with Imec CEO Luc Van den hove and discussed latest technologies in semiconductor field and R&D directions of the chip business, Samsung said.

In addition to the meetings with chip companies, the Samsung chief also held a meeting with Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte on Tuesday as part of the chip giant's efforts to solidify partnerships with the Netherlands, which is home to semiconductor equipment powerhouse ASML.

Lee Jae-yong, right, vice chairman of Samsung Electronics, poses with ASML CEO Peter Wennink at the Dutch company's headquarters in Eindhoven, the Netherlands, Tuesday (local time). Courtesy of Samsung Electronics
Lee Jae-yong, right, vice chairman of Samsung Electronics, poses with Mark Rutte, prime minister of the Netherlands, at the latter's office in The Hague, Tuesday. Courtesy of Samsung Electronics
The meeting took place at the Dutch prime minister's office in The Hague. The two discussed ways to strengthen cooperation in the foundry sector and resolve global semiconductor supply chain issues. It was the first time in six years that the two met.

The Netherlands is one of the powerhouse countries in the global semiconductor industry. From research to chip design, equipment and electronic devices, the country has secured a well-developed industrial ecosystem related to the chip business.

Lee apparently asked the prime minister for cooperation in stabilizing the supply of the EUV equipment, which is crucial for Samsung's plan to expand its contract-based foundry business.

The prime minister has shown interest in emerging industries such as ICT, electric vehicles and digital healthcare, and the Netherlands could expand cooperation with Samsung in areas other than the chip sector.

In terms of forging a united vision for the emerging technologies, the Netherlands and Korea are expected to establish a win-win partnership.

In March, when President Yoon Suk-yeol was president-elect, he called the Dutch prime minister and proposed expanding cooperation between the two countries in the semiconductor industry.

At that time, Yoon told Rutte, "The two countries should expand their cooperation in the chip sector, which is called the rice of the future industry."

In response, the prime minister said, "Synergy between the two countries will be very great as Korea and the Netherlands are leading semiconductor countries."

"Strengthening cooperation with the Netherlands will be a stepping stone for the further growth of Korea's chip industry in line with the new government's goal to make Korea become a semiconductor superpower and Samsung Electronics' vision of becoming the world's top chip company by 2030," an official at a local chip industry said on condition of anonymity.

The Samsung chief left on his business trip to Europe on June 7. He is known to have visited Germany and Hungary before visiting the Netherlands.

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更新時間  2023.02.01 
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