
Kolmar Korea's advanced institute of technology in Seocho district, Seoul / Courtesy of Kolmar Group
Kolmar Korea's advanced institute of technology in Seocho district, Seoul / Courtesy of Kolmar Group

By Kim Jae-heun

Kolmar Korea is speeding up its plan to target overseas markets by acquiring global trademark rights for "Kolmar," 32 years after the company's establishment. Kolmar Group said it will lead the global cosmetics, biopharmaceuticals and health-functional food markets through strategic investment and market diversification abroad.

The company's first step is to actively utilize its brand power with its Kolmar Laboratories scheduled to open this year in New Jersey. The United States is the world's largest cosmetics market.

It also plans to make a quick response to the market changes in the United States with Kolmar USA and Kolmar Canada, which are the company's North American production base.

In addition, Kolmar Group is focusing on developing the Southeast Asian and Middle Eastern markets. It will establish an overseas corporation in Singapore this year.

In February, Kolmar Group signed a business agreement with the International Beauty Industry Trade Association to exclusively develop and produce cosmetics for Middle Eastern and North African export customers. It is part of the cosmetics firm's effort to build a strong presence in the Middle East market.

It is preparing to open a base in Singapore with the aim of establishing a foreign branch.

Kolmar Group also secured growth momentum in the global market by taking over Yonwoo, a company specializing in the production of cosmetics containers. Yonwoo already has 50 of the world's top 100 cosmetics firms as its customers.

Here, Kolmar Korea will maximize its synergy with Yonwoo, which invented the first-ever commercialized eco-friendly paper tube cosmetics container in the world.

"We have been leading the global beauty and healthcare market with innovative and future-oriented strategies. Furthermore, the company will strengthen its position as a leader in the medicine and health functional food market as well," a Kolmar Korea Holdings official said.

軟件大小1.00 MB
更新時間  2023.01.30 
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