
President Yoon Suk Yeol speaks during the policy briefings from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of National Defense in Yeongbingwan guesthouse in Jongno District, Seoul, Wednesday. Courtesy of the presidential office
President Yoon Suk Yeol speaks during the policy briefings from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of National Defense in Yeongbingwan guesthouse in Jongno District, Seoul, Wednesday. Courtesy of the presidential office

By Kang Hyun-kyung

President Yoon Suk Yeol made a rare remark about South Korea turning to nuclear weapons as a last resort to protect the country from North Korean attacks.

In the closing remarks of the policy briefings from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of National Defense on Wednesday, he said he would not rule out the possibility of the redeployment of tactical nuclear weapons in South Korea or the nation building its own nuclear weapons in case North Korea's nuclear threat becomes much more serious than it is now.

Although conditional remarks, it's the first time that Yoon mentioned South Korea's possible development or acquisition of nuclear weapons since he was inaugurated on May 10 last year.

"If that happens, it won't take long for us to have one, given our scientific and technological capabilities," he said in a readout of the policy briefings released from the presidential office late Wednesday night.

Yoon, however, made it clear that South Korea becoming a nuclear weapons armed state immediately is "unrealistic." His remarks seem to come from the worries about proliferation shared by the United States and many other signatory states of the Non-Proliferation Treaty.

On Thursday, a day after President Yoon's remarks were reported, the presidential office clarified that South Korea has no intention to build nuclear weapons.

"There has been no change in South Korea's position (toward its commitment on non-proliferation)," said Kim Tae-hyo, principal deputy national security advisor to Yoon. "South Korea will not violate the NPT and will keep working together with the United States to strengthen extended deterrence against the North."

President Yoon underscored the need to work closely with the United States to share their nuclear assets, as well as jointly participate in exercises and planning to thwart North Korea's threats.

Yoon's remarks about turning to nuclear weapons in the worst-case scenario came amid North Korea's heightened provocations using various different weapons. North Korea's drone intrusion into South Korea's aerial space is the latest provocation. The North is expected to conduct another nuclear test anytime this year.

President Yoon directed the military to beef up its "Three Axis" strategy to deal with the North Korean nuclear threat. The strategy consists of the Kill-Chain platform, which begins with South Korea's preemptive engagement in the event that it detects signs of an imminent North Korean attack, the Korea Air and Missile Defense (KAMD) system for protecting the South from North Korean missile attacks and lastly, the Korea Massive Punishment and Retaliation (KMPR) program, which activates the South's massive military retaliation capabilities.

Among the three, Yoon said the KMPR is the most important tactic to deter North Korean provocations, directing the defense ministry to enhance its capabilities for retaliatory strikes significantly, so that South Korea can launch such a counterattack against the North at 100 times the destructive power of any incoming threat ― or 1,000 times in the case where the South's territory is invaded.

According to the president, once South Korea is equipped with overwhelming retaliation and punishment capabilities and continues to carry out military exercises, the North will find it difficult to conduct provocations any further.

He said attack and retaliation capabilities should be prioritized over defense. His rationale is that defending the nation from North Korean attacks is much more difficult and will cost much more money than upgrading capabilities to conduct retaliatory strikes in the case that provocation occurs.

"Defending the nation from enemy missile attacks, for example, will cost the nation 10 times more than attacking. Maybe more than that," he said. "North Korea prioritizes building up their capabilities to attack because it's cheaper than building defense capabilities."

Yoon said North Korea has become a common threat to the United States, Japan and South Korea and this shared security concern has led the three countries to team up to deal with the North Korean threat.

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更新時間 2023.01.21 
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