
                                                                                                 Seen is the construction site of an apartment building in Seoul, June 14. Yonhap
Seen is the construction site of an apartment building in Seoul, June 14. Yonhap

By Baek Byung-yeul

SK ecoplant, Daewoo E&C, Lotte E&C, DL E&C, Doosan E&C and other construction companies here saw 44 worker deaths at their construction sites in the April-June period, according to the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, Friday.

The ministry released a list of the deaths that occurred on the construction sites of the country's top 100 construction companies, their subcontractors and government agencies in the second quarter.

Among the 44 who died, nine people died at sites run by the top 100 construction companies. However, the number of deaths occurring at construction sites in the period was down five from 14 in the first quarter. Compared to 20 in the same period in 2021, the figure had decreased by 11.

There were eight construction companies among the nation's top 100 construction companies that were included on the list of sites where workers have died.

Two worker deaths occurred separately at two of SK ecoplant's construction sites, followed by one death each at construction sites run by Daewoo E&C, Lotte E&C, DL E&C, Doosan E&C, Halla, CJ Logistics Corporation and Kangsan Construction.

In particular, the land ministry said that DL E&C had worker deaths on its construction sites for three consecutive quarters.

The ministry added that it will take a look into the construction sites where accidents leading to worker fatalities occurred in the second quarter. It will do this by launching a special inspection of major construction companies and related subcontractors by September.

The land ministry also conducted inspections of companies where deaths occurred in the first quarter.

"We conducted an unannounced inspection of 133 sites of seven large-sized construction companies and six subcontractors in the first quarter of this year for three months from April to June. In particular, we expanded the inspection period and conducted a thorough inspection of the construction sites of Hyundai E&C, which had deaths for more than four consecutive quarters, and HDC Hyundai Development, which had major construction accidents," the ministry said, adding that a total of 245 insolvency cases were detected as a result.

"The ministry plans to impose penalties and fines on companies that violated laws such as omitting quality tests or improperly conducting quality tests," the ministry added.
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更新時間  2023.02.01
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