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Top diplomats of Seoul, Tokyo condemn North Korea's missile firings

A message on an electronic display outside of a Chinese restaurant in Seoul accuses a 'corrupt company' of destroying the friendship between Korea and China, Dec. 28. Yonhap
A message on an electronic display outside of a Chinese restaurant in Seoul accuses a "corrupt company" of destroying the friendship between Korea and China, Dec. 28. Yonhap

A Chinese restaurant in Seoul, suspected of having functioned as a secret Chinese police station, said Wednesday it will make an "important announcement" this week to address the allegations.

The restaurant has received media attention after the Spain-based human rights watchdog Safeguard Defenders insisted early this month that China was operating more than 102 clandestine police stations in 53 countries, including Korea, to monitor and repatriate dissidents living in exile.

Korean counterintelligence authorities have since been looking into the background of the restaurant with suspicions that it might be the foothold of China's secret police organization in Korea.

"For the sake of truth, we will make an important announcement. We will disclose hideous forces concealing the truth," the restaurant said in a message posted on an outdoor electronic display Wednesday.

[INTERVIEW] China's covert police stations should alarm South Korea: Danish scholar

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