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KOICA seeks support for Busan's bid to host World Expo

2023-02-02 19:21:15出處:開云體育手機app下載

KOICA President Sohn Hyuk-sang, fourth from left, poses with Minister of Finance of Samoa Mulipola Anarosa Ale Moli'o, third from right, along with the two sides' representatives during their meeting on the occasion of the Forum Economic Ministers Meeting of the Pacific Islands Forum in Port Vila, Vanuatu, Friday (local time). Courtesy of KOICA
KOICA President Sohn Hyuk-sang, fourth from left, poses with Minister of Finance of Samoa Mulipola Anarosa Ale Moli'o, third from right, along with the two sides' representatives during their meeting on the occasion of the Forum Economic Ministers Meeting of the Pacific Islands Forum in Port Vila, Vanuatu, Friday (local time). Courtesy of KOICA

By Kang Seung-woo

The Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) promoted the Korean port city of Busan's bid to host the World Expo 2030 in its participation in the Forum Economic Ministers Meeting (FEMM) in Port Vila, Vanuatu, last week, where it discussed development cooperation issues facing Pacific Island countries.

The FEMM is convened by the 18-member Pacific Islands Forum (PIF) and addresses key economic and socio-economic issues facing the Pacific.

The latest edition took place to discuss implementation measures for the 2050 Strategy for the Blue Pacific Continent, a vision for common regional development, and support from dialogue partners. The economic ministers of 13 PIF member countries and high-level officials from governments and development cooperation organizations of dialogue partner countries including the United States, Britain and Japan, participated in the forum.

During the two-day event, Thursday and Friday, KOICA President Sohn Hyuk-sang met with senior officials of the island countries to discuss development cooperation, while calling for support for Busan's expo bid.

While sitting down with Kilisitina Tuaimeiapi, deputy CEO of Finance in Tonga's Ministry of Finance and National Planning, Thursday, she expressed gratitude for the emergency humanitarian assistance provided by Korea to Tonga amid such disasters as the COVID-19 pandemic and a volcanic eruption. She also showed interest in the Caring and Sharing sub-topic planned for the World Expo 2030, in which Korea aims to share its experiences and know-how with developing countries.

The KOICA promoted the vision of the World Expo 2030, the preparations currently taking place and the mutual benefits that the expo will bring to the economic and societal development of Korea and Pacific Island Countries.

Officials from Pacific Island Countries showed great interest in the vote for the World Expo 2030 and asked various questions about Korea's bid-related activities, offering encouragement for Busan's successful bid, according to the KOICA.

While emphasizing that Korea is committed to fulfilling its responsibility for co-prosperity with the entire Pacific region, the KOICA president said that one of the World Expo 2030's main themes is sustainable oceans.

In remarks at the Forum Economic Ministers Meeting, President Sohn said, "Korea is committed to fulfilling its responsibility for co-prosperity with the Pacific region." He added, "In particular, we support the establishment of social safety nets for the speedy recovery of vulnerable groups, and agree with the importance of marine conservation, sustainable resource management and a transition to clean energy in Pacific Island countries for the realization of a blue Pacific economy. We will actively cooperate with the countries and support them to this end."

The U.N. defines a "blue economy" as an economy that "comprises a range of economic sectors and related policies that together determine whether the use of ocean resources is sustainable."

Korea has established cooperative relations with Pacific Island countries through regular meetings such as the Korea-Pacific Islands Foreign Ministers' Meeting to identify and implement cooperative projects through partnerships, cooperative funds, regional organizations and international organizations.


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