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When will KAIST establish medical school?

時間:2023-02-02 來源: http://hcqlnh.com/ 作者:開云體育手機app下載我要評論(0)

Officials of Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) and the North Chungcheong Province government pose for a photo after signing a memorandum of understanding at the provincial government's office, March 22. Courtesy of North Chungcheong Province
Officials of Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) and the North Chungcheong Province government pose for a photo after signing a memorandum of understanding at the provincial government's office, March 22. Courtesy of North Chungcheong Province

Officials of Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) and the North Chungcheong Province government pose for a photo after signing a memorandum of understanding at the provincial government's office, March 22. Courtesy of North Chungcheong Province
KAIST President Lee Kwang-hyung
By Lee Kyung-min

Skepticism has been growing over a controversial plan by the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) to establish a new medical school in 2027, due to opposition from doctors, medical school students and residents reportedly seeking to protect their vested interests, according to stakeholders, Thursday.

The prestigious technology academic institution in Daejeon will begin construction in 2025 on a biomedical satellite campus town in Osong, North Chungcheong Province, following the approval of the presidential transition committee, Wednesday.

The university says the town will first and foremost create an ecosystem whereby education, research and corporate venture activities can be fostered, propped up by an institutional framework that prioritizes nurturing biomedical experts. It also says setting up a medical school is not up for discussion at least for another five years, until after the said tasks are complete.

However, doctors and residents say the move to delay the discussion in and of itself is proof that the university is biding its time to advance its political agenda. They say that the launch of a KAIST-operated medical school will not contribute to medical research, but only strengthen its influence in the medical industry by increasing the number of doctors.

According to the North Chungcheong Province government, the construction of the town will begin in 2025, as part of a balanced development plan approved by the transition committee. Inclueded are the construction of a highway in the eastern part of the province and more high-speed railway stations.

"Creating the town will be a rare opportunity for mutual growth of the province and KAIST," an official of the office of North Chungcheong Province said. "The goal is fostering scientists and the bioindustry, not increasing the number of doctors."

This sentiment was echoed by KAIST. "The plan to build the town was led by the provincial government, and we were happy to lay the groundwork to nurture experts with a deep understanding of the convergence of the bio and medical fields," a KAIST spokesperson said.

The plan will be in line with KAIST President Lee Kwang-hyung' who in February said that establishing a medical school will sharpen the global competitiveness of the university's students.

"Lee seeks to lead promising Korean students who with the right education and training can and will be more than qualified to compete with their global peers," the spokesperson said. "It is part of a long-term growth strategy."

However, members of the Korean Intern Resident Association, including those at Chungbuk National University, said KAIST and the provincial government are using the plan to court voters ahead of the June 1 local elections.

"KAIST should be honest about whether the plan is to foster doctors with scientific research background or to advance its greed and that of the provincial government," residents at Chungbuk National University said in a statement, Tuesday. "The plan should be scrapped immediately."

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