

Queen Elizabeth I 伊麗莎白一世

來源:開云體育app官方網站發布日期:2023-01-26 15:06:56 瀏覽:42446


Young women in our generation were reared up on stories of powerful women.


I remember my mom would read me texts that portrayed the lives and achievements of Marie Curieand Helen Keller.


When the Disney animation film about Mulan, a heroic, legendary woman in ancient China, came out, I rushed out to watch it, devouring every line in it ravenously.


Stories filled my uninitiated mindwith questions as to what would come of me when I grew up and a special kind of imaginative courage.


Thanks to them, an empowering voice was able to plant its roots into my consciousness at an early age, whispering to me that men and women are equal and that I can achieve anything I want if Istrive for it.


Among those stories, one of the most enamoring one was that of Queen Elizabeth I,  bynames the Virgin Queenand Good Queen Bess, who was not only an exceptionallystrong woman but also one of the greatest monarchs in the history of Britain.


Like William the Conqueror who had tosteel himself through an incredibly wretched and violent youth, Elizabeth didn't enjoy the luxury of a carefree and mollycoddledchildhood we would imagine a European princess to be born into.


Elizabeth's father was the infamously mercilessHenry VIII, who in his lifetime married six wives and even executed two of them simplyon account of their failure to produce a male heir.


Elizabeth's mother, King Henry's second wife, was decapitatedwhen little Elizabeth was only three years old.


Deprived ofher mother's protection and her princess status, Elizabeth was expelled out of the court to be raised in a commoner's householdand forbidden to cross pathswith the king, her father.


In place of her biological mother, another woman, Kat Ashley, acted the kind and devoted maternal figurein Elizabeth's early life as her governess.

另一位女性凱特·阿什利(Kat Ashley)取代了她的親生母親,在伊麗莎白的早期生活中,她扮演了一位慈祥忠誠的母親角色,擔任家庭教師。

Though they lived in want of adequate means, Ashley managed to supply Elizabeth with the intellectual and emotional wherewithalto survive in an unfriendly world.


Elizabeth also owedtremendous gratitudeto her tutor, Robert Ashcham, an orator in Cambridge University, who, in his wiseness, saw in Elizabeth the potential for a great leader, and thus taught her rhetoric and public speech, things that were deemed unfit forwomen to learn at that time.

伊麗莎白還非常感謝她的導師、劍橋大學的演說家羅伯特·阿什查姆(Robert Ashcham),他以自己的智慧看到了伊麗莎白成為偉大領袖的潛力,并因此教給了她修辭和公開演講,這些在當時被認為不適合女性學習的東西。

Before then, the idea of a woman, a queen, taking care of the country was still repulsive.


However, far away from the clutches of her father, who was rushing helter-skelter in and out ofone marriage to another to get himself a son, Elizabeth saw the ambitious leader in herself, too.



On November the 17th 1558, the moment finally came when Elizabeth was declared the Queen of England.


The bearer ofglad tidingsfound her seated underneath an oak tree.


Upon hearing the news, she uttered a hymnfrom the Bible that indicated how this providential arrangement was meant to be: "This is Lord's doing, and it is marvelous in our eyes."


By the age of 25, Elizabeth had already experienced the loss of her mother, allegations of her involvement in crimesthat she was innocent of, and months of imprisonment.


Her afflictions gave her a taste of the scourgeof unjust ruling and thus taught her to value justice and magnanimity in her leadership.


Now, more than ever, it felt as though all the trials and tribulationshad passed to build up to this moment. England was now hers to rule.


One of her legacies and achievements that people today love to bandy about is her promotion of theatrical arts.


William Shakespeare's plays, for example, were all the ragein Elizabethan England.


The Queen herself was also a frequent visitorof theaters.


Itinerant acting companies toured about the country, enlisting actors and actresses to enact the celebrated playwright's great stories about unresolved vendettas, marine adventures, thwarted romance, political schemes, and societal hypocrisy.


In 1588, a Shakespeare-esque calamity bore down upon the rugged coastline of England.


A Spanish fleet steamrollered its way into the English Channel.


It was rumored that the epic Spanish Armada was mighty and indestructible, comprising ofover a hundred ships, carrying thousands of soldiers, and armed with ample ammunition.


With the horror of war looming over the horizon, Elizabeth remained her composure and fortitude, reassuring the troops that though she couldn't fight, she would be right by their side.


Their lives were her life, and their pains were also hers to suffer.


Finally, the Spanish naval forcewas defeated. Less than half of the ships made their way back home.


At the age of 69, Queen Elizabeth I was plagued bythe curse of oldness. She wasflesh and boneafter all, and couldn't beat the ravage of time.


Her death was met with great sorrow across the nation.


In her entire life, familial affectionwas sadly scarce, but there was some relief in knowing that in the end, she was a queen widely loved by her people.


 Important words 

portray /indicate /declare 描繪/表示/聲明

be reared up /be raised  撫養

uninitiated mind / layman 門外漢

exceptionally /incredibly 例外特別地

execute 處決 / decapitate 斬首

expell 驅逐 / Deprived of 被剝奪了

in want of / be scarce 缺乏

allegations 指控

bore down upon 壓制 /steamroller  壓服

afflictions 苦惱 

a taste of the scourge 嘗受苦難

trials and tribulations 磨難

plagued by 困擾

devour sth 如饑似渴地;吞食

enamor 迷戀

imaginative courage 想象力的勇氣

steel oneself through 使自己堅強起來

involvement in crimes 參與犯罪

mollycoddled childhood 嬌慣的童年

wretched and violent 悲慘而暴力

infamously merciless 臭名昭著的無情

a male heir 男性繼承人

on account of 由于

cross paths 接觸

biological mother 生母

devoted maternal figure 忠誠的母親形象

as governess 作為家庭教師

emotional wherewithal 情感資本

tremendous gratitude 萬分感激

be deemed unfit 被認為不適合

far away from the clutches of 遠離控制

glad tidings喜訊

providential arrangement 天意安排

utter a hymn 唱贊美詩

bandy about 散布;談論 

theatrical arts 戲劇藝術

be all the rage 流行一時

frequent visitor常客

Itinerant acting companies 巡回表演公司

celebrated playwright 著名劇作家

political schemes 政治陰謀

societal hypocrisy 社會虛偽

Shakespeare-esque calamity 莎士比亞式災難

epic Spanish Armada 史詩般的西班牙無敵艦隊

ample ammunition 充足的彈藥

composure and fortitude 沉著和堅韌

looming over the horizon 即將來臨

naval force 海軍

flesh and bone 骨肉之軀

the ravage of time 時間的蹂躪

met with great sorrow 悲痛欲絕

familial affection 親情

rushing helter-skelter in and out of 


plant its roots into my consciousness 


orator 演說家

repulsive 引起排斥的

bearer 送信人

imprisonment 關押

magnanimity 寬宏大量


enlist 征募

enact 擔任…角色

vendetta 家族世仇

thwarted  受挫的

rugged 崎嶇的

indestructible 堅不可摧

monarch 君主

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