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FedEx Express appoints new Korea managing director

時間:2023-01-30 來源: http://hcqlnh.com/ 作者:開云體育app官方網站我要評論(0)

By Kim Jae-heun

FedEx Express Korea Managing Director Park Won-bin
FedEx Express Korea Managing Director Park Won-bin
International express delivery company FedEx Express appointed Park Won-bin as the new managing director of its Korean branch, the company said Thursday. He will take over from the previous manager Chae Eun-mi, who led FedEx Korea for the past 17 years.

"I am happy to work with excellent employees who strive to provide the best quality customer service. I look forward to continuing the company's positive momentum to create more possibilities for our customers and communities in Korea," Park said.

The new CEO played a key role in establishing an independent FedEx office at Incheon International Airport and launching the 77F route that connects the FedEx Hub to Incheon. He worked with the express delivery company for 10 years and left for one year before returning.

"In order to fully utilize the potential of global trade opportunities, Korean companies are focusing on building smarter and more sustainable supply chains and efficient networks to prepare for the future," Vice President of North Pacific Region at FedEx Express Jeremy Goldstrich said. "Park's experience will serve as a valuable foundation in this process," he added.

Meanwhile, FedEx Express is working to support Korean companies, including small and medium-sized firms, to promote e-commerce opportunities between countries ― so that B2B and B2C customers can expand their global presence.

Recently, FedEx Express Korea won a grand prize through a public consumer vote at the 2022 Brand of the Year Awards held by the Korea Consumer Forum.

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