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Pope Benedict XVI waves to pilgrims at the end of a papal Mass at Islinger Field in Regensburg, southern Germany, Sept. 12, 2006. AP-Yonhap
Pope Benedict XVI waves to pilgrims at the end of a papal Mass at Islinger Field in Regensburg, southern Germany, Sept. 12, 2006. AP-Yonhap

Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI, the shy German theologian who tried to reawaken Christianity in a secularized Europe but will forever be remembered as the first pontiff in 600 years to resign from the job, died Saturday. He was 95.

Benedict stunned the world Feb. 11, 2013, when he announced, in his typical, soft-spoken Latin, that he no longer had the strength to run the 1.2 billion-strong Catholic Church that he had steered for eight years through scandal and indifference.

His dramatic decision paved the way for the conclave that elected Pope Francis as his successor. The two popes then lived side-by-side in the Vatican gardens, an unprecedented arrangement that set the stage for future ''popes emeritus'' to do the same.

A statement from Vatican spokesman Matteo Bruni on Saturday morning said that: ''With pain I inform that Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI died today at 9:34 in the Mater Ecclesia Monastery in the Vatican. Further information will be released as soon as possible.''

The Vatican said Benedict's remains would be on public display in St. Peter's Basilica starting Monday for the faithful to pay their final respects.

The former Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger had never wanted to be pope, planning at age 78 to spend his final years writing in the ''peace and quiet'' of his native Bavaria.

Instead, he was forced to follow the footsteps of the beloved St. John Paul II and run the church through the fallout of the clerical sex abuse scandal and then a second scandal that erupted when his own butler stole his personal papers and gave them to a journalist.

Being elected pope, he once said, felt like a ''guillotine'' had come down on him.

Nevertheless, he set about the job with a single-minded vision to rekindle the faith in a world that, he frequently lamented, seemed to think it could do without God.

''In vast areas of the world today, there is a strange forgetfulness of God,'' he told 1 million young people gathered on a vast field for his first foreign trip as pope, to World Youth Day in Cologne, Germany, in 2005. ''It seems as if everything would be just the same even without him.''

With some decisive, often controversial moves, he tried to remind Europe of its Christian heritage. And he set the Catholic Church on a conservative, tradition-minded path that often alienated progressives. He relaxed the restrictions on celebrating the old Latin Mass and launched a crackdown on American nuns, insisting that the church stay true to its doctrine and traditions in the face of a changing world. It was a path that in many ways was reversed by his successor, Francis, whose mercy-over-morals priorities alienated the traditionalists who had been so indulged by Benedict.

Benedict's style couldn't have been more different from that of John Paul or Francis. No globe-trotting media darling or populist, Benedict was a teacher, theologian and academic to the core: quiet and pensive with a fierce mind. He spoke in paragraphs, not soundbites. He had a weakness for orange Fanta as well as his beloved library; when he was elected pope, he had his entire study moved ― as is ― from his apartment just outside the Vatican walls into the Apostolic Palace. The books followed him to his retirement home.

'In them are all my advisers,'' he said of his books in the 2010 book-length interview ''Light of the World.'' ''I know every nook and cranny, and everything has its history.''

It was Benedict's devotion to history and tradition that endeared him to members of the traditionalist wing of the Catholic Church. For them, Benedict remained even in retirement a beacon of nostalgia for the orthodoxy and Latin Mass of their youth ― and the pope they much preferred over Francis.

Pope Benedict XVI waves to pilgrims at the end of a papal Mass at Islinger Field in Regensburg, southern Germany, Sept. 12, 2006. AP-Yonhap
Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI, left, greets Pope Francis in St. Peter's Basilica at the Vatican during a consistory, Feb. 14, 2015. AP-Yonhap

In time, this group of arch-conservatives, whose complaints were amplified by sympathetic U.S.-based conservative Catholic media, would become a key source of opposition to Francis who responded to what he said were threats of division by reimposing the restrictions on the old Latin Mass that Benedict had loosened.

Like his predecessor John Paul, Benedict made reaching out to Jews a hallmark of his papacy. His first official act as pope was a letter to Rome's Jewish community and he became the second pope in history, after John Paul, to enter a synagogue.

In his 2011 book, ''Jesus of Nazareth,'' Benedict made a sweeping exoneration of the Jewish people for the death of Christ, explaining biblically and theologically why there was no basis in Scripture for the argument that the Jewish people as a whole were responsible for Jesus' death.

''It's very clear Benedict is a true friend of the Jewish people,'' said Rabbi David Rosen, who heads the interreligious relations office for the American Jewish Committee, at the time of Benedict's retirement.

Yet Benedict also offended some Jews who were incensed at his constant defense of and promotion toward sainthood of Pope Pius XII, the World War II-era pope accused by some of having failed to sufficiently denounce the Holocaust. And they harshly criticized Benedict when he removed the excommunication of a traditionalist British bishop who had denied the Holocaust.

Korean Catholics pay tribute to late Pope Benedict XVI
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