
An installation view of 'ICONS ― an Exhibition about the Right to Exist' at the KF Gallery in central Seoul / Courtesy of Korea Foundation
An installation view of "ICONS ― an Exhibition about the Right to Exist" at the KF Gallery in central Seoul / Courtesy of Korea Foundation

By Kwon Mee-yoo

Sweden is a country known for equality, acceptance and inclusivity, demonstrating its dedication to promoting and protecting the rights of all individuals.

The Korea Foundation (KF) and the Embassy of Sweden in Seoul are presenting "ICONS ― an Exhibition about the Right to Exist" at the KF Gallery in central Seoul, showcasing Sweden's commitment to human rights through photos of models with Down syndrome and Sweden's efforts to promote the rights of all people.

The "ICONS" project features photographs of people with Down syndrome and highlights their ambitions, goals and dreams. It was initiated in 2016 by the Swedish photography center, Fotografiska, and Par Johansson, the founder of the Glada Hudik Theater. After touring multiple cities in Europe, the project made its way to Asia, with Seoul being its first destination in the region.

The exhibition serves as a powerful tribute to the capabilities and aspirations of individuals with Down syndrome and its presence in Seoul helps to promote the rights and inclusion of people with disabilities. The title, "ICONS," emphasizes the significance and importance of these individuals and their roles being inspiring role models for others.

An installation view of 'ICONS ― an Exhibition about the Right to Exist' at the KF Gallery in central Seoul / Courtesy of Korea Foundation
The poster for "ICONS ― an Exhibition about the Right to Exist" / Courtesy of Korea Foundation

Rhee Jong-kook, executive vice president of the KF, noted that "ICONS" is more than just a photography exhibition during its opening ceremony, Dec. 20.

"Each person featuring in this photograph (series) has the opportunity to be their own role model or icon by being the subject of the photograph, reflecting their own ambitions and hopes," Rhee said.

"To sum up this exhibition, I would say the 'definition of beauty.' ... Even if you are living with a disability, it is a fundamental human right to realize your full potential while maintaining your dignity. Everybody knows we all have our own set of strengths and shortcomings. When we engage and work with one another, we can make our lives more fruitful," Rhee said.

Swedish Ambassador to Korea Daniel Wolven emphasized that this project is about humanism and explained the inception of "ICONS."

"The idea behind these photos was born during a workshop where some of the people behind the exhibition, the Glada Hudik Theater, worked with topics such as the question of what defines beauty. The theater group wanted to challenge some of our preconceptions about the norms and standards that we employ to measure beauty. They also want to emphasize that people with Down syndrome have similar dreams, visions and wishes as everyone else and I think that this is, first and foremost, a message of humanism," Ambassador Wolven said.

An installation view of 'ICONS ― an Exhibition about the Right to Exist' at the KF Gallery in central Seoul / Courtesy of Korea Foundation
Swedish Ambassador to Korea Daniel Wolven speaks during the opening ceremony of "ICONS ― an Exhibition about the Right to Exist" at the KF Gallery in central Seoul, Dec. 20. Courtesy of Korea Foundation

Begun as a project by the municipality of Hudiksvall to engage its residents with disabilities, the Glada Hudik Theater now reaches out to a much wider audience, including through "ICONS."

The "ICONS" project was brought to life through the collaboration of Johansson of the Glada Hudik Theater, photographer Emma Svensson and costume and makeup designers Helena Andersson and Linda Sandberg. The project features photographs of models with Down syndrome portraying a variety of characters, from a Barbie doll and superhero to an actress and the heir to the throne.

An installation view of 'ICONS ― an Exhibition about the Right to Exist' at the KF Gallery in central Seoul / Courtesy of Korea Foundation
An installation view of "ICONS ― an Exhibition about the Right to Exist" at the KF Gallery in central Seoul / Courtesy of Korea Foundation

According to the Swedish ambassador, the rights of people with disabilities in Sweden are centered on the principle of non-discrimination, which means that disabled people should be able to enjoy the same freedoms and opportunities as everyone else.

"This exhibit is about the right for everyone regardless of who they are to be seen. I think that the right to exist is a Swedish value, but it is universal in many ways. In Sweden, we also have a continuous discussion on questions of accessibility, questions of equal treatment and questions of equal opportunities," Wolven said.

"I invite you to approach these photos with openness and curiosity, and 'seeing is believing' and the indomitable spirit of humanity," he said.

軟件大小1.00 MB
更新時間  2023.01.30
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