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Rose developed by Everland wins international awards

時間:2023-02-01 來源: http://hcqlnh.com/ 作者:開云體育手機app下載我要評論(0)

Rose experts of Everland pose with the Perfume Everscape, a rose species developed by the company, Thursday. Courtesy of Samsung C&T
Rose experts of Everland pose with the Perfume Everscape, a rose species developed by the company, Thursday. Courtesy of Samsung C&T

By Baek Byung-yeul

A rose species developed by Samsung C&T's amusement park operating unit, Everland, won the top prize at an international rose competition for the first time among locally developed species, according to Samsung C&T, Thursday.

The company said its Perfume Everscape rose species won four categories, including the Gold Medal, at this year's Gifu International Rose Competition in Japan

Hosted by the Gifu World Rose Garden, the Gifu International Rose Competition, which marked its 20th anniversary this year, is a global rose contest, which features about 6,000 species of roses on a site of about 800,000 square meters.

The contest is officially certified by the World Federation of Rose Societies (WFRS), and world-famous rose breeding companies from the U.K., France and Germany have taken part in the contest every year.

In 2021, Everland won the second-place Silver Medal at the same contest with its self-developed rose species, Garden Everscape.

"We are very honored to win the top prize at the globally-renowned rose competition," Ha Ho-su, a rose expert at Everland who participated in the development of the Perfume Everscape, said. "We will keep working on making Everland's roses continue to be loved in many places."

Everland said its Perfume Everscape has a strong scent and a large number of petals. As they are resistant to pests and cold weather, and do not grow many branches, the roses are popular in garden landscapes in apartment complexes, parks and offices.




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