




Yoon sends thank you letter to 2 surviving miners

2023-01-24 03:08:14


This photo provided by fire authorities shows a miner being carried into a hospital on Nov. 4 after being rescued from a collapsed mine nine days after being trapped. Yonhap
This photo provided by fire authorities shows a miner being carried into a hospital on Nov. 4 after being rescued from a collapsed mine nine days after being trapped. Yonhap

President Yoon Suk-yeol sent a thank you letter and gifts to two miners who were rescued from a collapsed mine in southeastern South Korea after more than nine days, a presidential spokesman said Sunday.

The two miners walked out alive after being trapped for 221 hours in the zinc mine in the county of Bonghwa, 244 kilometers southeast of Seoul, on Friday.

"A new hope was given to the Republic of Korea weighed down with sorrow. I wish you a quick recovery," Yoon was quoted as saying in a message delivered by presidential industrial policy secretary Kang Kyeong-seong on Saturday afternoon.

He was referring to the Itaewon crowd crush that killed at least 156 people a week ago.

2 miners make quick recovery following rescue after nine days underground
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