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SK asks Poland to support Busan's bid to host World Expo

時間:2023-02-01    作者:開云體育手機app下載

SK Innovation Vice Chairman Kim Jun, left, poses for a photo with Minister of Economic Development and Technology of Poland Waldemar Buda after a meeting in Warsaw, Poland, on Aug. 9. Courtesy of SK Innovation
SK Innovation Vice Chairman Kim Jun, left, poses for a photo with Minister of Economic Development and Technology of Poland Waldemar Buda after a meeting in Warsaw, Poland, on Aug. 9. Courtesy of SK Innovation

By Kim Jae-heun

SK Innovation Vice Chairman Kim Jun visited Poland to ask for the Polish government's support for Korea's bid to host World Expo in Busan in 2030. Kim also discussed ways for his company to cooperate with Poland on SK Group's future green energy businesses.

The vice chairman met with the Polish Minister of Economic Development and Technology Waldemar Buda at the Ministry of Economic Development and Technology in Warsaw on Aug. 9, local time. SK IE Technology CEO Roh Jae-sok accompanied Kim at the meeting.

"We are planning to discuss various agenda items on many challenges that the world faces currently including the climate crisis at the World Expo in Busan. As Poland and SK have the same goals to protect the environment and focus on future energy, the international exhibition will serve as a good opportunity to focus on sustainable development measures around the world," Kim said during the meeting with Buda.

Kim is currently the head of the Environment Business Committee of the Supex Council, the highest consultative body within SK Group, which oversees all the green energy projects operated by the company.

Poland has previously shared its "Energy Policy 2040," which aims to reduce coal dependence drastically and expand its investment in offshore wind as well as solar energy.

SK Group also declared its goal to achieve Net Zero, or carbon neutrality, by 2050 and is actively pursuing green energy businesses such as electric vehicle batteries, hydrogen and small module nuclear reactors.

In addition, Kim shared his expectation for close cooperation in the future of the green energy sector with Poland.

"I thank the Polish government for its keen interest and support in the company's ongoing investments in Poland. SK will make efforts to proceed with all the investment projects planned by the company's affiliates as promised and will positively review additional business in the field," Kim added.

"The Polish government is pursuing unconventional and flexible cooperation with SK Group and other Korean companies. In particular, Poland will support Korean companies that are expanding related investments in the field of electric vehicles and other future energy sectors," Buda said.