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China should help steer North Korea toward denuclearization: Pentagon spokesman

時間:2023-01-27 來源: http://hcqlnh.com/ 作者:開云體育app官方網站我要評論(0)

Pentagon spokesman John Kirby / AP-Yonhap
Pentagon spokesman John Kirby / AP-Yonhap

China has the ability to help steer North Korea toward a diplomatic solution of its nuclear standoff, the Pentagon Press Secretary said Monday.

John Kirby insisted one way for China to do so would be to faithfully implement U.N. Security Council sanctions on the North.

"China does have influence in Pyongyang and we all, the international community, would like to see them use that influence in a constructive way to put some bite into the sanctions that are already in place under the U.N. Security Council," the defense department press secretary said in a daily press briefing.

"They have influence and they should use that influence to help steer North Korea towards a diplomatic solution to this and the denuclearization of the peninsula, which, one has to assume, is also in China's interest as well," he added.

Satellite imagery shows continued operation of North Korea's uranium enrichment plant: report

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