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KBS seeks to open Pyongyang Bureau: report

時間:2023-02-01    作者:開云體育手機app下載

Seen is the building of KBS in Seoul in this undated photo. Courtesy of KBS
Seen is the building of KBS in Seoul in this undated photo. Courtesy of KBS

By Park Ji-won

National public broadcaster KBS aims to open a bureau in Pyongyang by 2025, according to an opposition party lawmaker who cited a recent internal document about raising TV license fee from the current 2,500 won to 3,840 won.

Opposition People Power Party (PPP) Rep. Park Dae-chul said the broadcaster is planning to launch its bureau in Pyongyang to provide "accurate and unbiased" coverage of the reclusive state and improve inter-Korean relations, quoting the document that details how the national broadcaster planned to use its budget.

KBS earmarked 2.82 billion won ($2.52 million) for research projects on becoming a "unification channel," and 2.66 billion won to send a correspondent to the North. It is also hoping to sign a memorandum of understanding with the North's state broadcaster to facilitate technological exchanges, hold joint programs to mark the June 15 South-North Joint Declaration and Aug. 15 National Liberation Day, and foster youth sports competitions to create joint sports teams.

The leaked document was prepared for the Jan. 26 KBS board meeting in which members discussed ways to raise the current TV license fee which has remained unchanged for the past 41 years.

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