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Envoys stand with Korea (Part 2)

2023-02-02 14:14:11出處:開云體育手機app下載

People, Tuesday, mourn the victims of the Halloween crowd crush tragedy that happened in Itaewon, Seoul on Oct. 29. Korea Times photo by Suh Jae-hoon
People, Tuesday, mourn the victims of the Halloween crowd crush tragedy that happened in Itaewon, Seoul on Oct. 29. Korea Times photo by Suh Jae-hoon

The following are the condolence messages from heads of foreign missions in Korea to the victims of the Itaewon crowd disaster on Oct. 29 and their families. Their messages are arranged based on the order of their date of arrival in Korea. ― ED.

People, Tuesday, mourn the victims of the Halloween crowd crush tragedy that happened in Itaewon, Seoul on Oct. 29. Korea Times photo by Suh Jae-hoon
Ambassador of Iran to Korea Saeed Badamchi Shabestari
Ambassador of Iran to Korea Saeed Badamchi Shabestari

On behalf of the People and Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran, I would like to convey my deepest condolences and heartfelt sympathy to the friendly nation and government of the Republic of Korea, and especially, bereaved families in deepest grief for loss of their beloved family members in the tragic disaster in Itaewon on Oct. 29, 2022.

Also, I share deep sorrow and grief with the nation of Korea, foreign residents and above all things, with the bereaved families suffering indescribable hardship for loss of valuable and noble lives, especially young people still in the flower of their youth, including five Iranian nationals.

I hope the passage of time will alleviate deep anguish and sorrow and find inner strength to overcome the tragic situation as well as swift recovery of the injured people.

People, Tuesday, mourn the victims of the Halloween crowd crush tragedy that happened in Itaewon, Seoul on Oct. 29. Korea Times photo by Suh Jae-hoon
Singaporean Ambassador to Korea Eric Teo
Singaporean Ambassador to Korea Eric Teo

On behalf of the Singapore Embassy in Seoul, I express my deepest condolences and sympathies to the families of those who lost their lives in the Itaewon tragedy that struck on Oct. 29. We are truly saddened to learn of the loss of so many young and bright lives, especially in what should have been a night of celebration and good fun.

In this time of sorrow, Singapore stands together with the people of South Korea and all those affected by the tragedy. Our thoughts and prayers go out to the bereaved families and friends of the victims. We also wish the injured a swift recovery.

People, Tuesday, mourn the victims of the Halloween crowd crush tragedy that happened in Itaewon, Seoul on Oct. 29. Korea Times photo by Suh Jae-hoon
Saudi Ambassador to Korea Sami M. Alsadhan
Ambassador of Saudia Arabia Sami M. Alsadhan

On behalf of the government and people of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, I would like to express my deepest condolences to the families and friends of the deceased and injured, as well as to the people of the friendly Republic of Korea.

I grieve with the citizens of Seoul and the people of Korea and send my best wishes for a quick recovery to all those who were injured.

Envoys stand with Korea (Part 3)


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