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Korea, Arab countries discuss food security

時間:2023-01-31 來源: http://hcqlnh.com/ 作者:開云體育app官方網站我要評論(0)

Participants of the Korea-Arab Food Security Forum, co-hosted by the Korea-Arab Friendship Association, the Korea Institute for International Economic Policy and the Embassy of the United Arab Emirates in Korea, pose for a photo at the KITA Conference Hall in southern Seoul, Aug. 25. Courtesy of KIEP
Participants of the Korea-Arab Food Security Forum, co-hosted by the Korea-Arab Friendship Association, the Korea Institute for International Economic Policy and the Embassy of the United Arab Emirates in Korea, pose for a photo at the KITA Conference Hall in southern Seoul, Aug. 25. Courtesy of KIEP

By Kwon Mee-yoo

Amid the increasing importance of food security around the globe, a hybrid forum in Seoul discussed avenues of cooperation between Korea and Arabic countries.

Co-hosted by the Korea-Arab Friendship Association, the Korea Institute for International Economic Policy (KIEP) and the Embassy of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) in Korea, the forum offered insights into food security cooperation in uncertain times, Aug. 25.

Ma Young-sam, secretary general of the Korea-Arab Society, noted how food security is linked to national security in his opening remarks.

"Considering that there may be a crisis in agriculture due to climate change and global warming in the future, food security is a priority task that cannot be delayed any longer," he said.

"As the world is intertwined and interconnected, food security is not just a problem for one single country. I believe today's forum will serve as a productive opportunity to understand the world's food security situation and identify the direction on how to cooperate with our longtime economic partners, the Arab countries, to achieve food security in the future."

Muhammad Al-Amiri, assistant undersecretary for the Food Diversity Sector of the UAE's Ministry of Climate Change and Environment, shed light on collaboration between the UAE and Korea in the field of food security.

"Along with enhancing bilateral commerce in agriculture and food items by streamlining import and export procedures, we have built a strong research and knowledge-sharing partnership," Al-Amiri said.

"Our main area of interest is the intelligent agriculture system, protected agriculture and sustainable farming in arid areas. In line with our leadership vision, we are eager to intensity international agricultural cooperation and take advantage of successful global initiatives in order to create a sustainable agriculture system and increase food security."

Participants of the Korea-Arab Food Security Forum, co-hosted by the Korea-Arab Friendship Association, the Korea Institute for International Economic Policy and the Embassy of the United Arab Emirates in Korea, pose for a photo at the KITA Conference Hall in southern Seoul, Aug. 25. Courtesy of KIEP
Eisa Al Samahi, charge d'affaires of the UAE Embassy in Korea, delivers a speech during the Korea-Arab Food Security Forum at the KITA Conference Hall in southern Seoul, Aug. 25. Courtesy of KIEP

KIEP President Kim Heung-chong said both Korea and Arab countries have a high dependency on food imports.

"Korea aims to increase its self-sufficiency rate and production through diverse long-term investment and support based on its strength in ICT and is actively promoting smart farming companies. Many Arab countries are strengthening policies to stabilize supply, expand stockpiles and protect and develop water resources," Kim said.

"For Korea and Arab countries facing a similar challenge in food security, closer cooperation in many areas ― ranging from stabilizing food supply chain to responding to climate change and developing the agricultural sector ― will be needed to achieve the common goal of sustainable growth."

Eisa Al Samahi, charge d'affaires of the UAE Embassy in Korea, explained the importance of food security to the UAE.

"The interest in food security has increased recently as a result of geopolitical developments which have significantly affected the resilience of supply chains, including food supply in many parts of the globe," Al Samahi said.

"Like many other nations in the Arab world, my country UAE is not fully safe from the problem of food security in the future... Food security has become a key strategic priority in the UAE."

The first section of the forum discussed economic instability and food security in the Arab world, and the second session focused on future cooperation initiatives in the field of food security between Korea and Arab countries.

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