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US welcomes Pelosi's trip to Korea, Japan: White House

時間:2023-01-26 來源: http://hcqlnh.com/ 作者:開云體育app官方網站我要評論(0)

People walk past a billboard welcoming U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, in Taipei, Taiwan, Aug 2. AP-Yonhap
People walk past a billboard welcoming U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, in Taipei, Taiwan, Aug 2. AP-Yonhap

U.S. President Joe Biden welcomes the ongoing trip to Asia by the speaker of the House of Representatives that will soon take her to South Korea and Japan, a White House official said Tuesday.

The remarks by John Kirby, National Security Council coordinator for strategic communications, came as Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) arrived in Taiwan on a visit protested by Beijing.

"The president has already seen that Speaker Pelosi has already accomplished some important conversations on this trip with respect to foreign policy with her stop in Singapore and Kuala Lumpur," Kirby said in a White House press briefing.

"And then you know she's already announced she's moving on to Japan and South Korea, two of our treaty allies in the Pacific. So he welcomes her conversations. He welcomes her contributions to American foreign policy and our foreign policy objectives overseas," he added.

His remarks came in response to a question whether Pelosi's trip to Taiwan helps or undermines U.S. foreign policy interests in the region.

Pelosi lands in Taiwan, defying China threats

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