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Six in 10 Americans support US troop intervention in case of Korean conflict: survey

更新時間:2023-01-18 22:56:34  瀏覽次數:39841次

A visitor uses a smartphone to film North Korea from the observatory of the Aegibong Peace Ecopark in Gimpo, South Korea, Oct. 5. AP-Yonhap
A visitor uses a smartphone to film North Korea from the observatory of the Aegibong Peace Ecopark in Gimpo, South Korea, Oct. 5. AP-Yonhap

More than six out of every 10 American adults believe the United States should get involved when and if there is an armed conflict on the Korean Peninsula, a survey showed Thursday.

In an annual survey by the Chicago Council on Global Affairs, 63 percent of respondents said they would support using U.S. troops to defend South Korea in case North Korea invaded.

The figure marks the highest among four hypothetical instances that also asked those surveyed if they would support using U.S. troops to defend Taiwan from China, Israel from its neighboring countries and a European ally from a Russian invasion.

For Israel, 59 percent of respondents said they would support using U.S. troops, while 52 percent said the same about Taiwan in case of a Chinese invasion.

US supports humanitarian aid for North Korean people: State Dept.

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