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S. Korea, US, Japan agree on strong response in case of N. Korea's nuke test

The North Korean embassy in Rome. / Captured from Google Maps
The North Korean embassy in Rome. / Captured from Google Maps

By Kim Bo-eun

North Korea's acting ambassador to Italy disappeared in early November, the National Intelligence Service (NIS) confirmed, Thursday.

The NIS reported to the National Assembly's intelligence committee about a media report that North Korean diplomat Jo Song-gil, who was based in Rome, made a request to the Italian government for protection to defect to "a Western country."

"The couple left their official residence and went into hiding early last November," Rep. Kim Min-ki of the committee told reporters after the meeting with NIS officials.

According to the NIS, Jo's term was supposed to end at the end of November 2018, but he left his official residence early November.

It said Jo began his diplomatic mission at the North Korean embassy in Rome in May 2015.

The agency also confirmed that four people including Jo worked at the embassy.

North Korea replaced its top diplomat in Rome in late November

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