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By Jung Da-min

The latest incident of a North Korean defector's reentry to the North has raised the question among people over why some defectors choose to go back to their reclusive homeland from which they escaped to seek relief from poverty or political persecution.

Defectors who return are unlikely to be very welcomed back by the regime, which considers them "traitors." They could face punishment including imprisonment and would again face the same conditions they originally fled from.

But still, at least 11 North Korean defectors have returned to the North over the past five years, according to the unification ministry's data, excluding the latest event that is still being investigated. However, North Korea watchers say there may have been more returning to the North, as other government data showed 891 defectors' whereabouts were not known, as of July last year.

The most recent returned defector, a 24-year-old man surnamed Kim, came to the South in 2017. He was under police investigation following sexual violence allegations made by another defector against him and is believed to have fled to the North to avoid criminal charges. But North Korea watchers say other defectors have left the South for various reasons.

"The reasons for defectors returning have been diverse but could be classified into three broad groups," said Lee Kwang-baek, president of the Unification Media Group and Daily NK. "Firstly, there are people who return to the North to avoid criminal penalties after being involved in some crimes here. And there are others who face coaxing or blackmailing by the North Korean authorities which often involves pleading from their family members in the North. Lastly, those who have failed to adjust themselves to the social system here choose to return to their homeland."

11 North Korean defectors returned home over past 5 years



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