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N. Korea's Magunpo rocket engine test site seems affected by minor flooding: report

時間:2023-01-31 來源: http://hcqlnh.com/ 作者:開云體育app官方網站我要評論(0)

A rocket engine emits flame from a test structure in this April 9, 2016 file photo released by Pyongyang's Rodong Sinmun. Yonhap
A rocket engine emits flame from a test structure in this April 9, 2016 file photo released by Pyongyang's Rodong Sinmun. Yonhap

A rocket engine test facility in North Korea appears to have been hit by minor flooding from heavy downpours in recent months, according to a U.S. monitoring website that cited new satellite imagery.

In a note posted Monday (local time), 38 North said satellite photos taken between July and August indicate some flooding at the Magunpo Solid Rocket Engine Test Facility located near the eastern city of Hamhung in South Hamgyong Province.

"Magunpo is near sea level, and there have been recent tell-tale signs of flooding around the complex owing to the heavy monsoon rains," it said. "At the horizontal test stand (the East Test Stand), water was seen pooled at the east end of the flame trench in early July and did not completely drain from the trench until after mid-August."

It added there were no apparent signs of activities related to actual engine testing. (Yonhap)

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