
Weakening COVID
2023-02-01 05:25:45
  • 來源:開云體育app官方網站
  • 整理:開云體育官方下載app


By Sah Dong-seok

It might be too early to say that the COVID-19 pandemic will end soon.

But the Korea Productivity Center (KPC), a local consultancy, says some industries will get a big boost this year as the pandemic is set to become endemic around the world. The KPC publishes the National Customer Satisfaction Index (NCSI) rankings every year.

Among the industries to benefit from the receding COVID-19 are cosmetics manufacturing.

Cosmetics for women will be in greater demand and customer satisfaction will grow, according to the KPC, as the indoor mask mandate is lifted in phases across the nation.

Sales of cosmetics for women had plunged as people were obliged to wear masks during the pandemic. But they bounced back amid the overall growth of sales from offline stores. Consumer sentiment related to color cosmetics is showing a marked rise.

Domestic flight travelers have been rising, in response to restrictions on overseas travel amid the fallout from COVID-19. This led to remarkable customer service improvements by domestic carriers, including introduction of contactless boarding services.

According to the KPC, low-cost carriers are regaining their competitive edge as many of them have solidified their low-cost business models characterized by streamlined services and affordable air fares.

Some low-cost carriers are preparing for the post-pandemic era by trying to expand their flight routes through the introduction of medium and large aircraft.

The KPC expects greater demand for international flights amid the overall endemic trend. Minimizing the possibility of flight delays coupled with the resumption of in-person passenger services will have an impact on customers' overall satisfaction levels.

Also to see a robust sales are department stores.

The department store industry performed well as consumer sentiment, which had been depressed for the last two years due to the pandemic, revived after social distancing rules started to be lifted.

Demand for fashion items increased as more people went out for social gatherings, and department stores have attracted new brands and remodeled their shops.

Department stores will continue to focus on providing unique customer experiences. These efforts will lead to the growth of customer satisfaction, according to the KPC.

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