






The Korea Times reporter Kim Hyun-bin test drives the Lamborghini Huracan EVO Spyder on the outskirts of Sant'Agata, Italy on May 21. Courtesy of Volkswagen Group
The Korea Times reporter Kim Hyun-bin test drives the Lamborghini Huracan EVO Spyder on the outskirts of Sant'Agata, Italy on May 21. Courtesy of Volkswagen Group

By Kim Hyun-bin

Sant'Agata, Italy ― Lamborghini is one of the first brands that come to mind when thinking of high-end supercars. And as the "raging bull" emblem suggests, drivers need to be ready for the speed and power its supercars bring.

In order to get the full experience, The Korea Times was able to steer behind the wheel of a Lamborghini Huracan EVO Spyder convertible at the Lamborghini headquarters in Sant'Agata Bolognese, in Northern Italy on May 23.

The design itself is a jaw-dropper with a sleek exterior and a body built to maximize aerodynamic efficiency.

Once entering the vehicle, the ignition button that is shaped like a missile-launch switch awaits the driver. Once pressing the ignition, the engine releases a loud roaring sound, which vibrates throughout the vehicle and welcomes the driver.

When flooring the gas, the driver's body jerks back feeling the full force of the V10, 640-horsepower engine at 8,000 rpm. The Spyder does zero to 100 km in just 3.1 seconds and can hit a maximum speed of 325 km/h.

The handling of the vehicle is fairly smooth even on curvy roads and the braking system works superbly even at speeds of over 150km/h in the countryside of northern Italy, bring the vehicle to a halt in an instant.

But expertise is recommended to test its full might ― it requires another skill set and nerves of steel to handle the beast in four-wheel drive.

But with the top down, the Huracan makes a great two-seater convertible, with hardly any wind buffeting even when enjoying high speeds. Another perk of having the top down was being able to breathe in the fresh Italian air and get a beautiful panoramic view of the beautiful countryside.

The Huracan was first introduced in 2014 ― replacing the popular Gallardo ― then evolved into the Huracan Performante and later the Huracan EVO.

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