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Newsweek Magazine features Huneed as firm with strong growth potential

時間:2023-01-31 來源: http://hcqlnh.com/ 作者:開云體育app官方網站我要評論(0)

By Kim Jae-heun

Newsweek, a U.S.-based weekly magazine, introduced Korea's strong economic growth through "Newsweek Country Reports" and included interviews with the CEOs of nine major domestic companies here.

Huneed Technologies Chairman Eugene Kim / Courtesy of Huneed Technologies
Huneed Technologies Chairman Eugene Kim / Courtesy of Huneed Technologies
The magazine evaluated Korea as a strong, open and trade-dependent economy, and said that its government pursues business-friendly policies, along with a New Deal policy to become a global leader in 5G, artificial intelligence and the defense industry.

According to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI), Korea ranked 31st on the world's arms export list back in 2000.

But the country's arms exports between 2017 and 2021 increased by 176.8 percent from the previous five years, bringing up Korea's current rank to?eighth in the world.

Newsweek also interviewed Chairman of Huneed Technologies Eugene Kim, who talked about remarkable achievements of the nation's defense industry. Huneed Technologies is a leading defense company in Korea as well as in the Korea Defense Industry Association.

"Last year, arms exports exceeded $7 billion (9.13 trillion won), the highest ever, and defense industry exports exceeded imports, so Korea is trying to join the ranks of the world's largest arms exporters. Domestic defense companies, which have relied on domestic demand, are hoping to join the big trend," Kim said.

Huneed Technologies is Korea's first company jointly to develop commercial aviation electronic systems, a specialty traditionally dominated by the United States and European manufacturers, supplying core components for CH-47, V-22, F-15, and F-18 fighter jets manufactured by Boeing.

In addition, in a bid to capture the growing cybersecurity market at home and abroad, the company has launched the Cyber & C4I Center.

Newsweek also interviewed corporate executives at Korean Air, MDM Group, IDIS Holdings, GP Club, OCI, Foosung, PROTEC and Simmtech.

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