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Gov't moving to resume inter

時間:2023-01-18    作者:亞搏體育官網入口app

President Moon Jae-in poses with his U.S. counterpart Joe Biden during their summit at the White House in Washington, D.C., Friday (local time). Yonhap
President Moon Jae-in poses with his U.S. counterpart Joe Biden during their summit at the White House in Washington, D.C., Friday (local time). Yonhap

By Kang Seung-woo

Following President Moon Jae-in's summit with U.S. President Joe Biden that drew Washington's support for inter-Korean cooperation, the government here is providing glimpses of what it will do in its efforts to restore inter-Korean economic cooperation.

However, it remains to be seen if any moves will proceed as planned, with the U.S. still standing firm against the easing or lifting of sanctions on North Korea, according to observers.

According to the joint statement made after last week's summit, the two heads of state reaffirmed their commitment to previous inter-Korean and U.S.-North Korea agreements ― the Panmunjeom Declaration and Singapore Joint Statement, both signed in 2018. This is being seen among advocates for inter-Korean engagement as the Biden administration possibly offering sanctions relief to facilitate economic cooperation between the two Koreas, which has been banned in part by international and U.S. sanctions.

On Tuesday, Unification Minister Lee In-young met with representatives of the Corporate Association of the Gaeseong Industrial Complex (CAGIC) behind closed doors.

Biden's pick of envoy to North Korea means request for dialogue: Moon