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North Korea unveils new 'super

                                                                                                 Thick black smoke covers the sky as a fire rages at Guryong Village, a shantytown in southern Seoul's Gangnam District, Jan. 20. Yonhap
Thick black smoke covers the sky as a fire rages at Guryong Village, a shantytown in southern Seoul's Gangnam District, Jan. 20. Yonhap

                                                                                                 Thick black smoke covers the sky as a fire rages at Guryong Village, a shantytown in southern Seoul's Gangnam District, Jan. 20. Yonhap
A firefighting helicopter extinguishes flames at Guryong Village, Jan. 20. Yonhap

                                                                                                 Thick black smoke covers the sky as a fire rages at Guryong Village, a shantytown in southern Seoul's Gangnam District, Jan. 20. Yonhap
Seoul Mayor Oh Se-hoon is briefed about the fire at Guryong Village in southern Seoul, Jan. 20. Yonhap

                                                                                                 Thick black smoke covers the sky as a fire rages at Guryong Village, a shantytown in southern Seoul's Gangnam District, Jan. 20. Yonhap
Firefighters go into action at Guryong Village, which was engulfed by a fire, Jan. 20. Yonhap
                                                                                                 Thick black smoke covers the sky as a fire rages at Guryong Village, a shantytown in southern Seoul's Gangnam District, Jan. 20. Yonhap
Firefighters extinguish a fire at Guryong Village in southern Seoul, Jan. 20. Yonhap

                                                                                                 Thick black smoke covers the sky as a fire rages at Guryong Village, a shantytown in southern Seoul's Gangnam District, Jan. 20. Yonhap
Firefighters are seen in action at Guryong Village, Jan. 20. Yonhap

Approximately 500 people evacuated after fire rages through Gangnam shantytown

President Moon's mediator role being threatened


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