




Convenience store owners frustrated by Pokemon cake shortage

2023-01-23 09:38:49


                                                                                                 SPC Samlip's newly launched Pokemon cakes / Courtesy of SPC Samlip
SPC Samlip's newly launched Pokemon cakes / Courtesy of SPC Samlip

By Kim Jae-heun

Convenience store owners are struggling to deal with an increasing number of disgruntled customers irked by a reportedly insufficient supply of popular Pokemon cakes, according to store owners Wednesday. Many people visit the stores every day to check whether they can buy the item, but most of them return home empty-handed because SPC Samlip cannot meet the soaring demand, they said.

The producer of the Pokemon bread cakes said it has been providing stores with only two pieces of the cakes per day since March, even though production lines are running at maximum capacity.

"We are working to produce as many Pokemon cakes as possible by operating our production lines 24 hours a day. However, we are still facing difficulty supplying sufficient amounts for all the customers," a SPC Samlip official said.

Against this backdrop, one convenience store owner posted a notice on the door saying, "People are cursing me for selling only two Pokemon cakes per day, which is not my fault. I'd rather not sell the bread."

Another store owner also said that too many people are calling to check whether Pokemon cakes are in stock and it is disturbing business. "Stop calling. We don't have Pokemon cakes and we will not sell them," the store owner added.

Pokemon cakes have been going viral for the character stickers included in the packages, which are the reasons behind the sweets' popularity. The cakes are even traded at twice or three times their regular prices on online second-hand marketplaces.

It was reported last Sunday that one convenience store owner lured an 11-year-old girl into the storage area by telling her that he had a Pokemon cake and sexually harassed her.

With consumer discontent about the continued supply shortage of Pokemon cakes reaching a boiling point, SPC Samlip posted an official apology on its website.

"Despite our full operation of production lines for Pokemon cakes, we are facing difficulties in supplying enough for all customers. We apologize for causing such an inconvenience," the company said.
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