

South Korean, US defense chiefs reaffirm alliance in phone talks

來源:亞搏體育官網入口app發布日期:2023-01-18 20:54:01 瀏覽:85292


South Korea's Defense Minister Suh Wook held telephone talks Sunday with newly confirmed U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, where the two reaffirmed the importance of their alliance and agreed to closely cooperate on developing it, Seoul's defense ministry said.

During the dialogue, which took place upon Washington's request, the two defense chiefs agreed that the Seoul-Washington alliance is more important than ever and promised to cooperate on improving the relationship, as well as openly communicate on relevant issues.

Suh congratulated Austin on his confirmation and mentioned how he is the right person to take on the duties of a U.S. defense secretary, while Austin mentioned how the Seoul-Washington alliance is a "linchpin" for the peace and stability in Northeast Asia.

The defense chiefs agreed to meet in person in the near future to hold more profound talks on pending issues, the ministry said.

In a release carried on its website, the U.S. Department of Defense said the two defense chiefs reaffirmed the "ironclad U.S.-ROK Alliance and emphasize the importance of close cooperation between the two countries."

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