
LG Energy Solution to prioritize employees' happiness
2023-02-02 06:12:45
  • 來源:開云體育手機app下載
  • 整理:開云體育app官方網站

LG Energy Solution CEO Kwon Young-soo, center, discusses project ideas with employees at the company's headquarters in Seoul, Oct. 21. Courtesy of LG Energy Solution
LG Energy Solution CEO Kwon Young-soo, center, discusses project ideas with employees at the company's headquarters in Seoul, Oct. 21. Courtesy of LG Energy Solution

By Kim Jae-heun

LG Energy Solution (LGES) CEO Kwon Young-soo promised to make his company a workplace that employees have pride in and to open his ear to staffers' voices.

"The strongest motive to realize our dreams comes from employees' happiness. In the not-too-distant future, I will make sure our staffers around the world say 'LG Energy Solution is the best place to work without a doubt. Everyone is so happy here,'" Kwon said in a message to employees earlier this month.

The company is already well-known as a "company that guarantees the growth of individuals and itself."

With the rapid growth of the global electric vehicle and battery markets, LGES, the No. 1 battery company in Korea, is also expanding its business size every year. It is making various efforts to advance the working environment for executives and junior staff including strengthening the capacity of its employees and improving the corporate culture.

As of the end of last year, LGES had 9,564 local employees, about 80 percent of whom are in their 20s and 30s. This helped the company to establish a free working environment and horizontal corporate culture faster than other local firms.

"The company provides much freedom to its employees by allowing them to work from home or at other offices near their homes. It also strives to improve working environment consistently and many young jobseekers take note of this. LG Energy Solution is one of the companies that they work to work in," a 28-year-old employee surnamed Kim working at LGES said.

The company has also adopted the EnTalk online communication platform, which allows some 24,000 company employees around the world to communicate freely including with Kwon. They can ask questions and share ideas related to work while receiving replies from the CEO.

Since EnTalk was introduced at the company last November, a total of 650 business proposals have been shared online. Kwon manages to give a direct answer to one question each week.

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