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Pasteur institute CEO tapped as new disease control chief

時間:2023-01-28 來源: http://hcqlnh.com/ 作者:開云體育app官方網站我要評論(0)

In this photo from Dec. 8, the Korea Disease Control and Prevention Agency Commissioner Peck Kyong-ran gives her closing remarks to a COVID-19 big data research forum at Lotte Hotel Seoul. Yonhap
In this photo from Dec. 8, the Korea Disease Control and Prevention Agency Commissioner Peck Kyong-ran gives her closing remarks to a COVID-19 big data research forum at Lotte Hotel Seoul. Yonhap

Incumbent commissioner resigns over conflict of interest allegations

By Ko Dong-hwan

In this photo from Dec. 8, the Korea Disease Control and Prevention Agency Commissioner Peck Kyong-ran gives her closing remarks to a COVID-19 big data research forum at Lotte Hotel Seoul. Yonhap
Institute Pasteur Korea CEO Jee Young-mee
Institute Pasteur Korea CEO Jee Young-mee will likely become the new head of the country's disease control center, as its current leader recently resigned following various scandals.

The Presidential Office said on Friday that President Yoon Suk-yeol tapped Jee as the new Commissioner for the Korea Disease Control and Prevention Agency (KDCA), although an official announcement will be made later.

Jee is known to have over 20 years of experience working for health and research centers in and out of the country. After graduating from Seoul National University's College of Medicine, she earned a master's and doctoral degrees at the University of London in the U.K. Her career saw her heading the Center for Infectious Disease Research under the Korea National Institute of Health, chaired the Korean Society of Infectious Disease, and serving as the Special Advisor to Prime Minister Chung Sye-kyun. She also worked for the World Health Organization's Western Pacific branch as a local administrator. She currently works as a member of the COVID-19 IHR Emergency Committee under the WHO.

Jee's husband, Lee Chul-woo, is a law professor at Yonsei University and a longtime friend of Korean President Yoon Suk-yeol. Lee had endorsed Yoon when the latter was in his presidential race earlier this year.

The KDCA, on the other hand, is still in shock after the abrupt resignation of Peck Kyong-ran who has been heading the agency since the onset of the Yoon administration last May. She had the shortest tenure as KDCA commissioner in the agency's history.

During her tenure, Peck was under fire as opposition party lawmakers continued to raise a conflict of interest allegation because of her holding stocks in certain companies in the bio-industry, including SK Bioscience.

The National Assembly's Health and Welfare Committee filed a complaint about Peck with the prosecution for defying the committee's request to submit documents of her stock transactions and of providing false testimony to a state audit under the committee. In a separate case, she took some flak when her younger brother confessed that Peck was his sibling when he was going for a seat on the board of directors of a KOSDAQ-listed manufacturer of a COVID-19 self-diagnosis kit.

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