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Supreme Court suggests stronger countermeasures against stalking suspects

時間:2023-01-30 來源: http://hcqlnh.com/ 作者:開云體育app官方網站我要評論(0)

Flowers and written messages are placed in front of the site of an alleged stalking murder at Sindang Station on the subway lines No. 2 and 6 in Seoul, Sept. 20. Yonhap
Flowers and written messages are placed in front of the site of an alleged stalking murder at Sindang Station on the subway lines No. 2 and 6 in Seoul, Sept. 20. Yonhap

The Supreme Court on Tuesday proposed tougher countermeasures against stalking suspects, such as the imposition of a restraining order, amid growing societywide resentment over the recent murder of a young subway worker by her alleged stalker.

The top court said in a statement that stalking suspects who are under investigation without detention need to be given a court order to wear an electronic tracking device or stay away from potential victims.

"Under the current system, it is difficult to make an appropriate conclusion on each stalking case, because there are only two options ― detention and non-detention," the statement said.

"It is necessary to harmonize between the principles of presumption of innocence and investigation and trial without detention by introducing the conditional release system at the arrest warrant stage," it said.

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