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LS Electric to strengthen smart factory business with Thai firms

時間:2023-02-02 來源: http://hcqlnh.com/ 作者:開云體育手機app下載我要評論(0)

Thai Ambassador to Korea Witchu Vejjajiva, sixth from left, President of the Cement Building Materials Business of Siam Cement Group Nithi Patarachoke, seventh from left, and LS Electric Chief Executive Counselor Choi Soon-hong, eighth from left, pose for a picture during their visit to an LS Electric plant in Cheongju, North Chungcheong Province, on Nov. 3. Courtesy of LS Electric
Thai Ambassador to Korea Witchu Vejjajiva, sixth from left, President of the Cement Building Materials Business of Siam Cement Group Nithi Patarachoke, seventh from left, and LS Electric Chief Executive Counselor Choi Soon-hong, eighth from left, pose for a picture during their visit to an LS Electric plant in Cheongju, North Chungcheong Province, on Nov. 3. Courtesy of LS Electric

By Kim Jae-heun

LS Electric is introducing its smart factory technology to Thai companies and seeking collaboration to expand its business in the field, the company said Friday.

The company invited Thai Ambassador to Korea Witchu Vejjajiva and Nithi Patarachoke, president of the Cement Building Materials Business of Siam Cement Group (SCG), to its plant in Cheongju, North Chungcheong Province on Thursday and introduced its world-class smart factory while discussing ways to cooperate with local companies in the future.

Established in 1913, SCG is Thailand's second-largest business group, operating in construction, chemistry and packaging as its key areas of focus.

Equipped with an automation system across all lines from assembling, testing and packaging of its low-voltage power devices, LS Electric's Chungju plant is referred to as the top smart factory in the country. In 2021, the company was selected as a Lighthouse Factory by the World Economic Forum. It was the second Korean company to get the honor.

"After the establishment of our smart factory, we achieved various financial and operational values such as a 40 percent improvement in production efficiency, 68 percent reduction in downtime and a 76 percent reduction in quality-related costs," an LS Electric official said.

"The convergence of ICT and automation technology allows not only massive production of various products, but also manufacturing of customized and small quantity products. We hope this smart factory technology is widely dispersed in ASEAN countries such as Thailand, in particular, where it is already showing steep growth. LS Electric will be able to contribute to fostering representative lighthouse factories in each country by cooperating in the commercialization of the technology as well as in the development of the technology," the official added.

"It was a good opportunity to check Korea's leading smart factory and energy management solution. We hope to explore various business opportunities with LS Electric in Thailand together," Patarachoke said.

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