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Migrants from Thailand and Myanmar compete, Aug. 28, in an early stage in the GME Hanaro Football Cup 2022. Thailand beat Myanmar 6-1 and will play again next Monday in the quarterfinals. / Courtesy of GME Remittance
Migrants from Thailand and Myanmar compete, Aug. 28, in an early stage in the GME Hanaro Football Cup 2022. Thailand beat Myanmar 6-1 and will play again next Monday in the quarterfinals. / Courtesy of GME Remittance

By Jon Dunbar

Global Money Express (GME), a remittance company in Korea, is hosting the Hanaro Football Cup 2022 next Monday at Seoul's Hyochang Stadium, with teams representing Korea's diverse migrant and expat communities.

The day will feature seven games by eight teams that have advanced to the quarterfinal stage after an earlier round last month.

Starting at 12:30 p.m., the hour-long quarterfinals will feature Indonesia vs. Nepal, Sri Lanka vs. Mongolia, Thailand vs. Western nations and Vietnam vs. India.

At 4:30 p.m. the winners will face off in the semifinals and the final will start at 7:30 p.m.

Migrants from Thailand and Myanmar compete, Aug. 28, in an early stage in the GME Hanaro Football Cup 2022. Thailand beat Myanmar 6-1 and will play again next Monday in the quarterfinals. / Courtesy of GME Remittance
A poster for the GME Hanaro Football Cup 2022 / Courtesy of GME Remittance

Visit gmeremit.com/football2022 for more information.

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