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Rep. Lee Jae-myung, left, leader of the main opposition Democratic Party of Korea, and Maria Castillo Fernandez, European Union ambassador to Korea, shake hands ahead of their meeting at the National Assembly, Nov. 8. Yonhap
Rep. Lee Jae-myung, left, leader of the main opposition Democratic Party of Korea, and Maria Castillo Fernandez, European Union ambassador to Korea, shake hands ahead of their meeting at the National Assembly, Nov. 8. Yonhap

Opposition leader Lee Jae-myung met with European Union Ambassador to Korea Maria Castillo Fernandez on Tuesday and emphasized the importance of building a "permanent and stable peace regime" on the Korean Peninsula in the wake of a series of North Korean missile launches.

"Military tension has been escalating on the Korean Peninsula recently," Rep. Lee of the main opposition Democratic Party of Korea (DPK) told the top envoy during their meeting at the National Assembly. "Establishing a permanent and peaceful peace regime is very important."

Lee also noted how the EU stands as an excellent model of transitioning into a successful alliance from a region once fraught with conflicts.

"It serves as an excellent model for building a permanent and stable peace regime, a peace and security alliance in Northeast Asia, including the Korean Peninsula."

Mentioning how the EU began as a peace project, Fernandez stressed that sustaining peace and security is only possible through dialogue and solidarity and that the EU is ready to support this process on the Korean Peninsula.

Lee and Fernandez also discussed the ongoing war between Russia and Ukraine. Fernandez noted how the war not only affects Europe but Asia as well, while Lee said he hopes it will soon come to an end through swift and peaceful means. (Yonhap)

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