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Parties continue pointing fingers as DPK leader resists summons

時間:2023-01-30 來源: http://hcqlnh.com/ 作者:開云體育app官方網站我要評論(0)

A person enters the Seoul Central District Prosecutors' Office in Seocho District, Seoul, Tuesday. Yonhap
A person enters the Seoul Central District Prosecutors' Office in Seocho District, Seoul, Tuesday. Yonhap

DPK leader does not appear at prosecution for questioning, submits written response

By Nam Hyun-woo

Main opposition Democratic Party of Korea (DPK) Chairman Lee Jae-myung on Tuesday snubbed an order by the prosecution to appear for questioning, and instead submitted a written response over allegations that he had made false statements during the presidential election period earlier this year, while addressing suspicions that he was involved in a land development scandal in Seongnam, Gyeonggi Province.

His response came after his party accused the ruling bloc of "political retaliation" and "political oppression" aimed at the opposition. The DPK went on the offensive, filing a complaint against President Yoon Suk-yeol, Monday, accusing him also of making false statements during the election campaign, as well as tabling an independent counsel probe motion to investigate allegations against his wife.

DPK senior spokesperson Rep. An Ho-young said in a statement Tuesday that Chairman Lee would not appear at the Seoul Central District Prosecutors' Office, adding that he submitted his response in writing to the prosecution regarding the allegations on Monday.

"Chairman Lee accepted the prosecution's request for written questioning and submitted a written response. Thus, there is no reason he has to appear to answer questions," An said.

The prosecution had ordered Lee to appear at the prosecutors' office by 10 a.m., Tuesday, to answer questions over allegations that he made a false statement during a press interview last December, claiming not to know a key official related to the land development scandal.

After Lee did not appear, the prosecutors' office conducted a search of the Gyeonggi Provincial Government office, searching the room of an official who was in charge of public relations for Lee when he was mayor of Seongnam.

A person enters the Seoul Central District Prosecutors' Office in Seocho District, Seoul, Tuesday. Yonhap
Democratic Party of Korea Chairman Lee Jae-myung, right, speaks with Rep. Jung Chung-rae during an emergency meeting of the party at the National Assembly in Seoul, Tuesday. Joint Press Corps

Lee's refusal to appear in person for questioning had been widely expected, in light of the party's rhetoric, with one aide of Lee referring to the order as a "war" being waged on him by the ruling People Power Party (PPP) and President Yoon.

On Monday, the DPK filed its own complaint against Yoon with the Seoul Central District Prosecutors' Office on charges that he made false statements during the presidential election regarding his wife's involvement in an alleged stock price manipulation scheme at Deutsch Motors, a BMW car dealer here.

The prosecution has been investigating Deutsch Motors Chairman Kwon Oh-soo over allegations of mobilizing influential market players, including now-first lady Kim, in order to boost the company's stock price starting in December 2009.

The DPK's complaint is likely to be only for show, as the country's Constitution states that the president "shall not be charged with a criminal offense during his tenure of office except for insurrection or treason."

The DPK also decided to push for an independent counsel to investigate allegations that first lady Kim was involved in the Deutsch Motors stock price manipulation scheme as well as has fabricated some details of her academic background.

"Despite the growing suspicions about the first lady, the investigative authorities are choosing to overlook the cases," DPK floor leader Park Hong-keun said. "Since we cannot clear up the suspicions, we decided to push for an independent counsel bill."

In Korea, a lawyer is appointed as an independent counsel ― called a special prosecutor ― to investigate and prosecute cases involving high-ranking government officials. To appoint this counsel, the National Assembly either uses the existing Act on the Appointment of Independent Prosecutor or can legislate a special bill in certain cases. Since doing the latter is faster, 13 out of 14 independent counsel cases so far in Korea have been handled by special prosecutors appointed through such bills.

However, pundits and legal experts said chances are slim that a bill can be legislated related to investigating the first lady's alleged illegal activities, because the National Assembly's Legislation and Judiciary Committee is headed by Rep. Kim Do-eup of the ruling party, and the president can exercise his veto rights.

"The DPK's leadership will have to consider how they should take steps toward the legislation (of an independent counsel bill to investigate first lady Kim's alleged illegal activities)," DPK Rep. Park Yong-jin said in a radio interview with broadcaster BBS, Tuesday. "The point is whether the DPK can properly inform the public of the necessity for this investigation."

Against this backdrop, some are concerned that the political struggle between the two top rival parties is transforming into a legal battle, and could cast a cloud over the Assembly's prompt handling of pending bills related to the public's livelihoods.

"Regardless of their rank and status, everyone is obliged to respond sincerely to the prosecution's investigation, and Chairman Lee is not exempt from this," PPP floor leader Kweon Seong-dong said.

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