
South Korea to push forward US
2023-01-27 13:36:40
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South Korea will try to help move nuclear talks between the United States and North Korea forward and restore its own dialogue with Pyongyang, the government said Wednesday in a policy report on inter-Korean relations for this year.

The report, submitted to the National Assembly, was a yearly action plan designed to carry out a five-year blueprint that lays out the objectives and directions of the government's policy on inter-Korean relations for 2018-2022.

Under the latest plan, South Korea vowed to push the stalled nuclear talks between Washington and Pyongyang under the principle of "no war," "mutual security" and "joint prosperity."

"We will work closely with the new U.S. administration and come up with a coordinated policy to make progress in achieving denuclearization and building peace," it said.

The government said it will strengthen communication with China and the international community to restart the peace process on the Korean Peninsula.

It also pledged efforts to restore inter-Korean talks via a video link amid the global virus pandemic.

The latest plan was announced as the Joe Biden administration is undergoing a comprehensive review of its North Korea policy.

South Korea's peace process has stalled since the second summit between North Korean leader Kim Jong-un and then U.S. President Donald Trump in Hanoi ended without a denuclearization agreement in 2019. (Yonhap)

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