



Bony Orbit 骨性眼眶

    Seven bones of the skull contribute to the orbit.  The frontal bone forms the roof of the orbit. It articulates with the greater and lesser sphenoid wings - separated by the superior orbital fissure, which transmits all of the nerves of the cavernous sinus into the orbit.  The optic canal courses through the medial part of the lesser wing, where it joins the body of the sphenoid.   The frontal bone also articulates with the lamina papyracea of the ethmoid bone, which forms the medial wall of the orbit along with the lacrimal bone.  The anterior and posterior ethmoidal foramina are seen. The maxilla contributes to the floor of the orbit along with the zygoma.  The zygoma also forms the lateral wall of the orbit along with the greater wing of the sphenoid bone.  The orbital process of the palatine bone contributes a small area between the ethmoid and maxilla.  The inferior orbital fissure communicates with the pterygopalatine fossa.

    眼眶由七塊骨構成。剖圖海綿竇內所有的眶骨神經通過眶上裂進入眼眶。額骨、性解眶下裂與翼腭窩互相溝通。剖圖 首都醫科大學附屬北京同仁醫院耳鼻咽喉頭頸外科





審核: 周兵,眶骨上頜骨和顴骨構成眼眶的性解下壁。

Bony orbit 骨性眼眶前面觀

 Frontal bone 額骨 (黃色區域)

 Greater shpenoid wing 蝶骨大翼 (黃色區域) 

Lesser shpenoid wing 蝶骨小翼 (黃色區域) 

Optic canal 視神經管 (綠色區域)

 Lamina papyracea of the ethmoid bone 篩骨紙樣板 (黃色區域)

 Lacrimal bone 淚骨 (黃色區域)

Anterior ethmoidal foramina 篩前(動脈)孔 (綠色區域)

Posterior ethmoidal foramina 篩后(動脈)孔 (綠色區域)

 Maxilla 上頜骨 (黃色區域)

Zygoma 顴骨 (黃色區域)

 Orbital process of the palatine bone 腭骨眶突

Inferior orbital fissure 眶下裂 (綠色區域)

 Superior orbital fissure 眶上裂 (綠色區域)

Anterior lacrimal crest 淚前嵴 (藍色箭頭)


Posterior lacrimal crest 淚后嵴 (白色箭頭)


Nasal process of the frontal bone 額骨鼻突 (紅色箭頭)


Frontal process of the maxila 上頜骨額突 (藍色箭頭)


Fossa of lacrimal sac 淚囊窩 (藍色箭頭)*




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